Some choice comments:
It’s only logical to put those people who can’t control themselves in an institution or jail.
“Real capitalism has never been tried”:
Capitalism is okay, aggressive colonial plutocracy isn’t.
On rehabilitation being better than punishment:
I doesn’t feel right.
Casual sinophobia:
Lol, Chinese people don’t even help other Chinese people when they’re hurt/injured.
Arm robots? Sounds like a great idea!
A lady ridding a robot. They should be able to eletroshock anyone trying to harass them
Empathy? What is that?:
I feel bad for these people. 😔
“Design effort” > human lives
There should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years for anyone who vandalizes these robots. There’s a great deal of design effort that goes into achieving compliance with existing regulations and society in order to make sure it behaves appropriately. People vandalizing them is no different than vandalizing other public infrastructure and should be punished accordingly.
Lifetime imprisonment for stealing food:
Lock the people up and throw away the key. Far too many people fetishize mental disorders and use that as an excuse for bad actions. I firmly believe the amount of people you think have mental illnesses are actually pretty low, and these people here are just using that as an excuse to cause disorder and chaos.
Eugenics enjoyer:
Personally, I think the death punishment or at the very minimum sterilization should be handed out to people that commit such crimes so that they can’t pass on their lowlife genes. Give me a single reason why the existence of the disgusting old skank riding the robot in the video or the man kicking over the robot at the beginning somehow contributes to humanity and why people like them should have the liberty of having children.
This is another issue of UBI in my opinion as well. Our current job market is a gene-filtering system of sorts, where the more intelligent, hardworking, and cooperative you are, the more likely you are to earn more money, giving you the option to have children. What happens when you give even the dregs of society like those in the video who contribute nothing the resources to have kids? Lower intelligence is already positively correlated with fertility. If you completely remove the bottleneck of finances by implementing UBI, its pretty easy to guess what is to come.
There’s soup kitchens, social markets, etc. etc. Doubt anyone in America or the EU literally has to steal or starve.
so are we ignoring the fact it’s the basketball americans
There are some comments that are more reasonable to be fair.
“basketball Americans” just say the slur you cowards, we all know you want to.
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“but racism is when you say the n word and are the kkk. I’m not saying it, which makes me not racist”
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Did they really say that?
its under the censored racism tab at the end of the post. but also ive seen it all over reddit and tictok.
Wonder how’s they react if people did the inverse called them NASCAR americans, ranch Americans or Alabama Americans
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They would pretend to be offended and ask Elon musk to dox anyone who says that.
This makes me realise I need a similar term for white Australians. VB Australians? Football Australians? Any ideas? (Tooheys) New Australians works for people from NSW since it’s a beer and highlights the colonialism, but I don’t know about it.
Also sticking with the beer theme, Bud Light Americans? That would doubly piss a lot of them off with their frothing rage over a trans woman doing one ad.
Why not just yobbo/bogan. Or if you want to coin something new, Cronullaustralian.
Yeah true, they’re classics for a reason I guess.
Bud light Americans is a great one lol
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oh that one KILLS me
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Lol, Chinese people don’t even help other Chinese people when they’re hurt/injured.
What a load of horseshit. China is one of the friendliest places I’ve ever been to, right up there with Ireland.
It’s an old racist canard
loves to bring out. They believe China has laws that punish those who try to help but don’t succeed, and so they believe Chinese people just let people die rather than helping.
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Yeah, I recall it being somewhat of a thing, but like with most of Reddit they’ll latch onto the smallest thing and blow it out of proportion
Good to hear it’s been amended at least
In China, robot delivery vehicles deployed to help with COVID-19 emergency
Literally first google result, wonder what their reaction would be. Actualy we already know, something something authoritarian fascist lockdown yadayada.
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A lot of this perception comes from the videos of bloody road accidents or people callously hitting a child or old person and driving away.
But the problem is, China has billions of people living there lol. Statistically some heinous shit will happen. The only reason why you’d be surprised and shocked is if you believe China is a utopia, or you believe that crimes in China are somehow foreign and alien and can’t be comparable anywhere in the west
The best part? Many of the more popular accident and gore videos come from Taiwan and not the PRC.
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The eugenics comment,
Yanquis just have a thing for eugenics. Scratch 'em once, watch it jump out.
Lul @ “basketball Americans” and “tHe cUReNt URBaN EnVirOnMent”!
One of them just straight up said monkeys even
The most regrettable turn in evolution is the Yakubian ape developing speech.
Wow, shocking, bazinga fetishists going straight for the racism and dehumanization.
Finally, a subreddit named after the thing its users should be hurled into.
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People vandalizing them is no different than vandalizing other public infrastructure and should be punished accordingly.
when you’re a yank bazinga robots carrying pad Thai is all the public infrastructure you get
And of course the infrastructure annexes people space instead of car space 🙄
The older lady gyrating on top of the robot is hilarious. I hope it hurts the tech bros’ feelings
I’ll choose to believe that thread is full of children. I mean their way of thinking is so infantile.
We want real life to be like the science fiction movie.
Robots = Progress.
People are “harassing” delivery robots which are definetly sentient they even gave them little eyes.
Blaming people for stealing from these things that apparently don’t even have locks
I didn’t expect better from r/singularity, but looking at this stuff is really sad. This is the future these people settled for.
We want real life to be like the science fiction movie.
Robots = Progress.
I am in no way defending Redditors.
I saw the clip yesterday and it invoked a lot of pathos in me. Robots have been one of the dreams of a better tomorrow for a century now. We’re finally getting to the point where robotics isn’t just a pipe dream or plot device and our society is so broken that we can only react to it with malice, greed, and fear. Instead of looking forward to allowing people more leisure time, we’re forced to worriedly figure out which jobs they’ll replace first. And yeah, a smaller manifestation of that is that we should be marveling at all the science and engineering that goes into making them work, but a portion of us just want to vandalize them.
It’s like watching first contact with an intelligent alien species and seeing someone run up and mug the alien for their wallet.
Unlike the Redditors though, I beleive that it’s society that’s failed the people in that video by subjecting them to such day-to-day cruelty that they think it’s fun or necessary to destroy or steal.
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I can’t blame people for fearing and hating robotics, but I can and do blame society for making people fear and hate robots.
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I think for me the most infuriating thing about these delivery robots is how much space they take up and how much they fuck up the normal flow of foot traffic. It takes up more space and is more disruptive than most people walking, but it isn’t a person walking, it’s a private company’s product delivering one person’s order and also serve as a rolling advertisement for the delivery service and restaurant. Granted, if it was apparent how many cars on the road were just Uber Eats drivers, I’d probably find that infuriating too, but at least they aren’t more disruptive than a typical car. Can you imagine if these things took off? If there were dozens of these things rolling down every sidewalk? It’d be a pedestrian hell, especially for those with mobility issues.
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- Seeing fascists come out in full force over a treat robot is a great reminder of why I’m on the ML train
- “I’ll fuck this up just for fun” is not leftism; you want to be intentional and targeted when you call for direct action or else you open the door for opportunists and risk getting lost in the sauce
one of them has a fucking flair that says
Empathy = The Force
Imagine posting this and thinking “cool, nice future, crime solved” not “wow that sounds exactly like the plot of a dystopian movie from the 90s”
We don’t really have to worry about theft after the coming next few years. Once you’re detected by AI stealing at one store your personally identifiable data will be shared amongst all merchants via a subscription service. Stores will dial 911 as the thief approaches the entrance of a any store the rest of their lives.
Edit: bonus round
Wow our startrek future might be diverted by violent felons, greedy thieves, and mentally I’ll drug addicts.
You really can’t make the world a better place.
I’m so glad I don’t have a reddit account or I’d be screaming at this guy about the Bell riots
We don’t really have to worry about theft after the coming next few years. Once you’re detected by AI stealing at one store your personally identifiable data will be shared amongst all merchants via a subscription service. Stores will dial 911 as the thief approaches the entrance of a any store the rest of their lives.
This is the mf screeching at you about social credit scores
Stores will dial 911 as the thief approaches the entrance of a any store the rest of their lives.
Steal a candy bar? No groceries for you ever! No medicine or clothes either. Right to a fair trial? Serving your sentence? Statute of limitations? Fuck that! Steal $2 of food and you should be made to literally starve in the middle of a city that throws half of its food in the fucking garbage!
But you aren’t just banned from these stories, an automatic police call gets sent to you for even going near them or looking in! So you might not need to starve if the cope ice you first.
These people are genuine fascists.
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“lowlife genes”
That one was the most mask off one of the lot. The whole take was peak deeplib: jobs as a gene-filtering system and anti-UBI to stop the poors breeding. Absolute fuckhole
I was going to write a serious reply, but then I got to this part and I can’t stop laughing lol