Attorney, journalist, and Elon Musk biographer Seth Abramson eviscerated both Elon Musk and his “fanboys” who have attempted to use the billionaire’s IQ as an indication of his intellectual prowess in a series of messages shared on X Thursday evening and into Friday.
Most of that’s false though. He couldn’t build a good smart team, Wozniak could. He was very good at screwing others out of ownership in the company they helped build though. He was also very good at one thing, envisioning a computer in every home, and a computer in every pocket. That was his one true talent.
But he was not “smart”. He died to cancer detected early enough to heal with modern medicine, but chose quack treatments instead. There really isn’t any such thing as general intelligence. Everyone’s got very specialized knowledge in some topic, and are idiots in everything else.
Na, that is just historically inaccurate. The original Macintosh team collected their stories/memoires at, which give you a pretty good overview of his talents. He was really mercurial and Woz was the better engineer, but played a really important role in the vision/design of computers as we know them today. In the original Mac team others did the engineering and Jobs never claimed to be and engineering type of person, but he had a good feel on the importance of design, clear visual metaphors and good interaction design and pushed the team relentlessly into that direction.
Jobs was a salesman, Woz the engineering brain.
He was quite good at marketing. He wasn’t a technical guy and apparently wasn’t terribly good at driving technical people either. But he was great at selling whatever the tech people came up with.
His only smart trick was to sell things super expensive to flatter the ego of the buyer. It’s not rocket science.
The focus on the user experience, rather than the underlying tech, was Job’s key insight.
aka he was an idiot who didn’t want to / was too dumb to take the time to understand machines.
That’s the opposite of genious lmao. My boss is the same.
some, like me, are idiots in everything
elseI doubt that.