Hero: none
Heroine: too many to name oneBased???
Let’s be honest, he couldn’t name any if he tried. He listed like 8 poets he just wanted to get that feminist cred.
I still respect him though. slightly problematic fav.
I think it is possible, maybe even probable that he had to actualy list the poets/writers because literacy rates at the period was not that high, its not like the average person would instantly know any. Also perhaps his own bias to appear educated.
I wouldn’t make this sort of judgement based on a silly questionnaire like this.
Feminist Engels confirmed!
Take it aisy indeed
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I need to know what Engels’ MySpace profile would have been like
Need to know his top 5
It’s a bunch of Marx’s alts and then Stirner just to fuck with him
More likely a stirner fan page that he set up and runs to fuxk with Marx
Send this to 10 people before midnight
take it aisy!
Fuck aniline, all my homies hate aniline. Also, what is aniline?
Chemical compound that was the basis of many synthetic dyes.
He absolutely filled this out specifically to fuck with someone, probably his wife.
Taking this seriously is like taking someone’s Quiplash game seriously.
Engels didn’t believe in marriage, he called it “legalized prostitution.” He was close to two Irish women throughout his life though, but he was also a serial womanizer. He had an informal marriage on his deathbed with one of the Irish women.
Huh, didn’t know that they weren’t married until she was on her deathbed. I just know that there was reference to his wife.
I think my point still stands, that this was meant as a parlor game and his responses are meant to be funny rather than serious.
Feeling kinda chaffed right now
I wanna get chaffed by Engels
so fred, who are your guys?
I know it’s well established how engels was from a wealthy family and a benefactor for Marx and all that but I sure didn’t expect to look up chateau margaux wine and see it starting at $569.99 for 2021 vintage and only going up from there
in man
in man quality
You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about.