Why are we bothering to continue giving her the attention? Sharing this nonsense only helps her.
Because democrats know that there is a large group of voting republicans who think she is somehow making a good point. And that worrying.
She has real power. She is on committees and she is pretty much singlehandedly keeping McCarthy in the speaker’s chair. Ignore people like her at your peril, because they won’t go away, they’ll just keep getting more powerful.
If you think she’s bad now, wait until she gets into the Senate. Or gets a cabinet position in the Executive Branch.
She is talking about Trump all the time because once he is out of the news she is toast. She made no allies in the party, seen as an ineffective representative and will lose the nomination once someone more crazy wants to challenge her in a primary.
And her being replaced by a bigger whack job is somehow better?
And don’t underestimate her allegiances. Say what you will about Kevin McCarthy, but he’s still Speaker of the House. He may not have the full support of the GOP, but he had plenty of allies and clout before MTG came along. And there are plenty of Republicans from both chambers that have absolutely no problems with her policies and like the idea of her being a lightning rod keeping the negative publicity off of them in public while quietly maneuvering behind the scenes. They want her around even if it’s only in a “useful idiot” role.
MTG’s incessant attempts at impeaching Biden are an example. She is the one constantly in the press demanding Biden’s impeachment ad nauseum. She is the one that takes the brunt of the political heat for her position. And she loves every minute of it. But look how much support impeachment has behind the scenes. Not a full majority, but a growing number of GOP politicians are glad to work behind the scenes to make that a reality while letting her absorb all the consequences for it.
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This meme is socialist.
So share it around! Its free!
Now your just being a anarchist!
Hey at least I aint an anarcho-primitivist!
I aint actually an anarchist, im like 2 steps away from anarcho-syndacalists.
I’m 2 comments away from being a moistened bint lobbing a scimitar at a medieval Plantaginet
Lol. I’m just tossing out random -ists. maybe it’ll be a thing and we can get some variety in the clickbait.
but also, I’m probably for the technocrats. all hail our AI overlords. (kidding.)
Surely people who need this having this for free hurts me in tangible ways I’ve yet to discover
every time I see MTG I have a moment of “what the literal fuck does a card game have to do with this?”
tfw you just realize that almost every GOP person would play Black/White Tax deck
You face off against an ugly monster who for some reason has powers even though they look like a stack of shit with teeth
Applies to both, really
Republicans went from Nixon to Reagan to George W. Bush to Sarah Palin, and finally to Trump, Pence, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Lauren Bobert… It’s like they are deliberately trying to elect stupider people every year.
At this rate, by 2032 the Republican presidential nominee will be just be a brick with a Hitler mustache glued to it.
You leave Brickler out of this!
At least Brickler made the cement trucks run on time.
That was Mousselini with his trucks of mousseline. It was a literal gravy train
No that’s Vladimir Poutine
At least the brick would be better qualified than the Cheeto with a bad toupee.
Let’s not forget when they shit all over their former front runner for the presidency, McCain, and lately, Romney
I wish instead of Ric Flair in drag with bad opinions, we had actual Ric Flair in her seat in congress.
Flair actually did consider running for governor of NC at one point, so it isn’t as unlikely as you might think.
as someone that lives with Glenn Jacobs (Kane in the wwe) as mayor I will second leaving pro wrestlers out of politics please.
But Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, Five-time Ultimate Smackdown Champion was a great President!
Ventura was bad enough, man.
lets leave off the pro wrestlers. Though maybe we should try to lure MTG away from politics to a career in pro wrestlign. I bet her fans would love that.
What was bad about Ventura? I thought the changes he made were pretty good?
Gonna say that when you’ve had more concussions than political debates under your belt, you might not be the best politician
They would need to make the floor soft, because you know he’s gonna Flair flop in the middle of his speech.
Hey midjourney, show me “Ric Flair in drag with bad opinions”
This just looks like … regular Ric Flair?
i have no idea who Ric Flair is (sorry) but I’m almost positive I’d agree with you if I did.
Don’t put that evil on Ric Flair! He deserves better!
If the press had any balls, they would demand she define communism. They aren’t demanding that and they aren’t demanding any of these assholes define what woke means either.
TBF, it was Fox News. They don’t have journalists.
Please please please stop giving this dipshit attention. Thats all she really wants. Shes pissed trump is getting all of the attention right now so she continues to say stupid and outlandish shit with no understanding of its meaning, solely because it gets her in articles like this. This dumb bitch needs to fuck off already.
US right wing thought process:
Anything they disagree with = Communism (the USA calling “commie” sounds straight from the lips of General Jack D Ripper to outsiders.)
Anything they agree with = Democracy
Actually right now even democracy is considered a dirty word, they even say that US isn’t democracy, but a republic (ignoring what republic is).
They already started conditioning their minions, that dictatorship isn’t really all that bad.
The ironic thing is that the primary reason why communism is bad is that it normally comes together with totalitarism, and that’s what they essentially arguing for.
They sure love to see “deviated preverts” everywhere as well.
Whilst being deviant perverts.
They like to throw “woke” around too.
“What am I mad about today???..hmmmmm…books!..books are woke!”
Haven’t they been wanting to impeach biden since before he even took office lol. They love saying that
Her entire political career is based on saying loud dumb shit, no policy, no progress just REEEEE. She’d disappear tomorrow if everyone decided to stop paying attention to her
I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the goal. While everyone’s listening to her deranged rambling, the other scumbags are probably scheming in the shadows.
Ignoring her would definitely be the best thing.
If prosecuting Trump is “communism” then sign me up for communism.
Sign me up either way. I’ll gladly take democratic ownership of corporations over our current stage of managerial feudalism anyday.
Communism definitely has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, but the Republican Party just label everything they don’t like “communism” and “socialism.” Sometimes they even throw a “radical” in there. Words have lost all meaning.
It having its pros and cons isn’t really a counter-argument for its adoption as our economic model.
Didn’t say it was. But MTG obviously does not know anything about communism is she thinks prosecuting Trump is communism.
And also something about “liberals”.
Sounding kinda woke there buddy.
So if we impeach trump we get the means of production?
I would need a lobotomy to understand that.
I’m pretty sure she breathes through her asshole.
you can see when she does. it’s on her face.
The evidence before the court is
Incontrovertible, there’s no need for
The jury to retire
In all my years of judging
I have never heard before
Of someone more deserving
Of the full penalty of law
The way you made them suffer
Your exquisite wife and mother
Fills me with the urge to defecate!
Since, my friend, you have revealed your
Deepest fear,
I sentence you to be exposed before
your peers—
She makes Sarah Palin look like an intellectual.
If you’ve ever read the bit in William S. Burroughs’ Naked Lunch about the man who taught his asshole to talk, that’s her biography.
She was pretty good on Mr pickles, she should go back to music.
https://youtu.be/gaiZT-rm-sg (crappy video but I couldn’t find any other)
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MTG is a complete moron so, not surprised