But he (Trump) and Elon Musk have questioned whether the judicial branch should be able to stop the executive.
This is the exact path for a totalitarian dictatorship. And if history is any indication, Democrats will probably just file a complaint when democracy ends in USA.
But it’ll be a sternly-worded complaint!
They’ll SLAM him over these policies by asking for funding so they can keep fighting and SLAMMING all of these guys. They’re the true resistance!*
*Results not guaranteed beyond asking for more donations
For enough money sent in, do-nothing Schumer will adjust his glasses with a stern look on his face.
Guys just five dollars please, just five more fucking dollars, JUST FIVE DOLLARS
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Problem is that if you want to vote for the defense of democracy and progress and tolerance of it, there is nowhere to go. Because USA is realistically only a 2 party system.
Obviously I prefer Democrats over Republican insanity. It’s just that in reality there is no real opposition to MAGA.
And yes it is very much also the fault of Democrats, for failing to modernize democracy in USA.
Democrats need to wake the fuck up, and skip a mentality where they push for an 80 year old President for Christ sake!!!The problem is that people aren’t able to think realistically and say shit like “Democrats need to go further left to win elections” even though anyone watching at all can see that the country is moving hard right and that strategy would’ve made them fail even harder
No they are not if they had alternatives. Back with Hillary many polls showed that Trump voters would rather vote for Bernie Sanders than Hillary. And that Bernie Sanders had a bigger chance of winning.
Obviously Bernie Sanders is way further to the left. But the moron Democrats wanted a more to the right wall street friendly candidate.
And they got what they deserved.Yes all we need is a time machine because we know that we cannot suddenly generalize the public opinion of Bernie to also apply during a time where Trump wins an election handily.
How is it different now? Trump won against Hillary, although he didn’t win the popular vote.
Democrats had ruined their chances pushing Biden and demanding everybody pool together behind him.
I personally liked Harris and thought she would win. Why she didn’t IDK, all I know is that the Democratic label is not very strong, and apparently she didn’t bring enough to swing the vote.In general I just refuse to subscribe to this narrative that voters can be treated like wild animals and that you should never expect even self-preservation because: Democrat bad.
If Bernie were on the ballot this time around he would’ve lost and he might have even back then. Voters and society are trash. And it’s not even necessarily their fault if you zoom out far enough but it’s fucking true.
Not necessarily. There was a large pool of non-voters, if a lot of those were disillusioned leftists who didn’t see anyone worth voting for then appealing to them might have been a winning strategy.
You say disillusioned leftists, I say accelerationist anti-moralists
It’s interesting how the situation is always dire enough that leftists are expected to abandon all their principles and give their full throated support to the latest corrupt war criminal from the DNC, and yet it’s never so dire that Democrats should be expected to actually try to court leftists, or even to stop relentlessly attacking them.
Yes, if the Democrats were just even further right they would surely win the election…
I don’t understand how people take this away from the election.
There was no progressive candidate this cycle, There was conservative and conservative light. People brought up concerns and they were dismissed because this election was “too important” to talk about genocide
Yea when red states implement multiple forms of voter suppression and the options are coke and diet coke the people who want water aren’t going to take a sip.
Kamala campaigned with liz cheney 🤮 and you guys are like “yea they need to go FURTHER right”. At a certain point you’ve gone so far right you’ve alienated your base. A Democratic party that courts cheney voters doesn’t represent me very much at all.
They made the tent too big and now its drafty in here.
Why the fuck would conservatives vote Democrat when they get everything they want and more from Republicans?
Why don’t people like you join the Republican party and moderate them towards the center instead of dragging Democrats further right?
yea they need to go FURTHER right
Zero people said this bullshit
That’s not true I’ve seen multiple people say Democrats failed because they didn’t pivot to the right hard enough
I’ve heard it talked about plenty. They dont seem to realize that doing that is how Harris lost.
I mean, okay, fair enough. I hadn’t read this.
The share of Democrats who want their party to take a more moderate approach has risen significantly—11 percentage points
I have heard some people stupidly say that democrats “have gone too far left” which I don’t really agree with, but I also recognize there are uninformed and stupid people out there who do indeed feel that way. It largely is surrounding trans issues. Some people are still struggling with that one because they don’t know a trans person. Just like when people didn’t know any openly gay people, they didn’t really get it. I think/hope that will change slowly over time, but for now there will be some dipshits still mad that “democrats are radical now!”
Nothing you’ve said here aligns with fuckall truth wise or what I said
"even though anyone watching at all can see that the country is moving hard right and that strategy would’ve made them fail even harder "
Im sorry I must’ve misunderstood you, did you not say the country was going to the right? Because if you did I disagree with that assessment.
Lol says the person commenting on the country where neo Hitler just got elected
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Thanks Universalmonk supporter
I don’t see the country moving right, I see it rejecting the norms. They want someone in power who tells his opposition “fuck you I do what I want” and breaks all the rules. People want things to change, no matter the cost.
Democrats moving to the left wouldn’t necessarily solve this problem either. A farther left candidate that still wants to follow all the rules would lose. They want someone who is going to break stuff.
I don’t see the country doing anything. I see a faction of the elite attempting to seize totalitarian control, loot the government, commit treachery against allies and crash the economy.
The country did vote, if you recall.
I’m saying the voters chose Trump because he promised to break the rules, not really because he’s right wing.
Thing is, I haven’t really seen the Democrats prepare for anything.
I’m sure they’ve done some insider trading.
Good point, insider trading is by definition something. So it cannot be accurately said the dems did nothing. Checkmate, leftists.
They also sponsored a bill to crack down on unlicensed streaming sites.
Standing up for the constituents. Clearly.
But they sure do think they’re the superheroes in their head-canon at every step. Confounding, the idiocy and smug.
Heros all the way to their and their Republican countrrparts all the way to their offshore accounts and other hidden assets.
in 4 years, the Heritage Foundation put together a plan to dismantle the U.S. government.
In those same 4 years, the Democrats sat on their hands with the expectation that the 2024 election was in the bag.
I’m not even sure if Dems can prepare for what’s coming. Certainly not to the level the Republicans have prepared for this moment.
They’re just sitting and waiting for their luck to change instead of doing anything.
The courts are corrupted at the top. The system is not going to stop Trump. It’s up to the people.
Unfortunately the people also seem to be waiting on the courts or for the next election cycle.
It seems everyone has their thumbs up their asses waiting for this all to just go away.
Big Gil Gunderson vibes…
Democrats are such a joke, I watched them get told there place for 40 years by Republicans and I haven’t seen them do anything other than pathetic reactionary performance, democrats prove you are worth a vote because after 40 years the Republicans stomped you and you are useless