In chapter 385 Lucci states
You learn the name of the fruit when you gain its power
- so why did Luffy not learn the name of the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika after eating it?
- or did he mean you name the fruit yourself after learning of its abilities?
Oh sh*t, here we come again.
The name of the fruit is not revealed in your mind by eating it, but by observation. For example, you eat the mera mera no mi, see that you have fire power and assume it is the fire fruit. Also, Luffy learned the name of his fruit from Shanks’ pirates. At first he didn’t even realize he had turned to rubber.
after Luffy ate the fruit, he came up with the title GumGum … maybe he came up with that name after witnessing the rubber properties he got … But I think Shanks told him that name, and he chose it over whatever the fruit told him.
Or Rob was just wrong. Luffy didn’t even realize he had gained powers until Shanks picked him up lol.
Also, Oda has been writing this story for almost 3 decades, he’s clearly changed a lot of things and it’s obvious Nika was not planned from the beginning. Dude has even admitted to having to google some of Luffy’s moves because he forgot. It’s not a plot hole, it’s pretty inconsequential. Rob Lucci is a government stooge, just think of it as him regurgitating whatever government propaganda he was indoctrinated with.
Pretty sure Nika has been planned from the beginning, he had been waiting for it for a long time. Nikita and Gear 5 are major plot points and would definitely have been sketched up in his right sketch of the manga. He did have qualms that these days anime/manga was not “cartoony” enough and tended to be more serious.
It’s possible but I disagree. It has all the elements of a retcon to me. Gear 5 was maybe always planned but the way we learn about Nika and the way we learn about the real fruits importance and power seems too sudden to me. I mean, we get the info from a completely random character, Who’s Who, whose only purpose is to retcon that aspect of the story. There is a lot of foreshadowing overall of course, and certainly Oda uses things he’s already written to perpetuate the story further (not the same as foreshadowing). But the whole “government hid the real name of the fruit” thing literally came out of nowhere. Even originally when Luffy ate the fruit, I think it’s Lucky Roo who refers to is as something they stole “from an enemy ship,” not the government. I’m not trying to shit on it or anything lol, I absolutely love One Piece. But people definitely exaggerate how much was planned. A good story changes and evolves over time, and it seems clear to me at least that this is a change Oda made well into the journey and not something he had in mind from the start.
Maybe, is that how Kaku and Kalifa learned the names of their fruits? Because they were unknown when they ate them.
They have devil fruits cataloged in a devil fruit book but often times the power/name does not have a picture of the fruit prior to being eaten. So basically once they find out what powers they have they can match it to an existing fruit. The book of devil fruits is how Sanji knew about the Suke Suke no Mi prior to interacting with Absolom.