I just have never been impressed with Anthony Mackie. He’s always kind of been a mediocre actor which is fine if you’re in a side character role, but he doesn’t stand up to playing the star character. I’m convinced his performance in the second season of Altered Carbon is why it got cancelled, because that first season was some excellent sci-fi and the lead in that season was good and most importantly convincing. Mackie fell flat.
So him suddenly being the new captain America is…lol. What did marvel think was going to happen here. It’s like that second black panther movie where that antivax lady became the star character. Thrust into the lead role and the movie fell apart.
Anything with Mackie in it will suffer the same fate. I hope this proves me wrong though
I’m glad I’m not the only person who feels this way. He lacks a wide range of acting ability, he has only one mode and that’s “angry black guy”. No subtlety of any kind, no range.
Twsited metal? I didn’t like him as an actor til after watching it, not a fan of the falcon show or him as capt america in general, they made his personality boring, the movie looked like it improved it from the trailer.
I just have never been impressed with Anthony Mackie. He’s always kind of been a mediocre actor which is fine if you’re in a side character role, but he doesn’t stand up to playing the star character. I’m convinced his performance in the second season of Altered Carbon is why it got cancelled, because that first season was some excellent sci-fi and the lead in that season was good and most importantly convincing. Mackie fell flat.
So him suddenly being the new captain America is…lol. What did marvel think was going to happen here. It’s like that second black panther movie where that antivax lady became the star character. Thrust into the lead role and the movie fell apart.
Anything with Mackie in it will suffer the same fate. I hope this proves me wrong though
I’m glad I’m not the only person who feels this way. He lacks a wide range of acting ability, he has only one mode and that’s “angry black guy”. No subtlety of any kind, no range.
Twsited metal? I didn’t like him as an actor til after watching it, not a fan of the falcon show or him as capt america in general, they made his personality boring, the movie looked like it improved it from the trailer.
I’ll have to psyche myself up to even consider trying that one, but I’ll put it on the list and hope it alters my view of him as an actor.
Yeah I like him when hes in a proper comedy action role, not trying to be serious
Like hes good serious, not stoic, might be the right word
If you like brooklyn 99, rosas in it with a more human personality, she almost seems typecast at first, but isnt
The writing in the second season was much worse, too, unfortunately.