It’s not that I doubt they want to do that. I just… Iraq is half the world away. No one in the US sees what was done there or not done (rebuilding-wise).
If they promise infrastructure in the US, and it’s clearly not happening next year, 2 years, 4 years from now, what happens?
I can’t be alone thinking there is a bottom for all this government graft, corruption, etc. At some point something has to give… I’m not saying it’s anywhere near there yet, but I just have this feeling that Musk is going to explode this is in his face because he’s kind of just a dumb guy. Dumber than most of the others. Someone in the background, probably Thiel also dumb but knows to kinda stfu a little, I can see absolutely grabbing all this stuff though.
As long as they keep the security forces on their side, then things are likely to go similarly to the way they did in Germany and Italy back in the 30s. The oligarchs will use cops and armed gangs to suppress labor organizing, bust unions, jail labor leaders, and so on. This could all backfire of course, but I do get the impression that this is where things are headed.
It’s going to be bloody. Population dramatically reduced. I believe they foresaw this and that’s why women are now house slave baby factories. They will be called the lucky ones, unless they bring back temple sex workers I guess.
We will just see the Crédit Mobiliar scandal again but just with the train line not even built in the end. It’s possible to money on this no matter if the end goals are or aren’t met.
It’s not that I doubt they want to do that. I just… Iraq is half the world away. No one in the US sees what was done there or not done (rebuilding-wise).
If they promise infrastructure in the US, and it’s clearly not happening next year, 2 years, 4 years from now, what happens?
I can’t be alone thinking there is a bottom for all this government graft, corruption, etc. At some point something has to give… I’m not saying it’s anywhere near there yet, but I just have this feeling that Musk is going to explode this is in his face because he’s kind of just a dumb guy. Dumber than most of the others. Someone in the background, probably Thiel also dumb but knows to kinda stfu a little, I can see absolutely grabbing all this stuff though.
As long as they keep the security forces on their side, then things are likely to go similarly to the way they did in Germany and Italy back in the 30s. The oligarchs will use cops and armed gangs to suppress labor organizing, bust unions, jail labor leaders, and so on. This could all backfire of course, but I do get the impression that this is where things are headed.
It’s going to be bloody. Population dramatically reduced. I believe they foresaw this and that’s why women are now house slave baby factories. They will be called the lucky ones, unless they bring back temple sex workers I guess.
We will just see the Crédit Mobiliar scandal again but just with the train line not even built in the end. It’s possible to money on this no matter if the end goals are or aren’t met.
Remember when Congress gave telecom companies billions of dollars for new internet infrastructure?