He did survive and is added to the very short list of people eaten by a whale.
Let’s call it the Jonah Club.
Join Jonah Club: We have a Whale of a Time
Keep in mind every whale ever would spit a human out. They have a precise diet and humans I’d imagine taste like shit to a whale.
This suggests that the whale knew exactly what it was doing, and surely had a nice laugh about it.
Mama says humans ain’t no good to eat, but I gotta find out for myself!
If you don’t watch your song, I’ll wash your mouth out with human!
I mean I would
If it were me that whale would taste shit. Because I’d shit myself.
Whale, shit.
-Goofy voice
Crazy story that nobody would believe if not for the video
Well now I have a whole new fear.
Meh, you’d be alright. I heard of a guy who spent three full days and nights inside one. True story.
damn ancient vore fetish authors
Oh, I see what you’re referencing. This was a different guy. Ended up losing his job at the aquarium but still swears it was worth it and the best sex he’s ever had.
cuil–I didn’t want to get in a large body of water ever again anyways
Whale oil beef hooked.
(Say it slowly and it sounds like you’re talking with an Irish accent)
I would die of dehydration after that, that’s how hard I would avoid water.