So, Donny boy.
How about the price of eggs?
So. Those who voted for Donny boy.
Are your rights worth it when even the cost of eggs not falling?
Rationing food? Sounds like communism to me! Thanks Obama! /s
so annoying this is necessary. idiots and their hoarding.
It is too much, I’m going to go without eggs for a while
Sorry, carnists… it’s unsustainable for humanity to torture and murder billions of animals in piles of shit and blood breeding diseases.
Whether eggs or gas or whatever, prices aren’t going back down. Wages will never “catch up”. The planet is literally being destroyed and our ugly green papers covered with pictures of slavers will become the trash that it always has been.
Animal agriculture and car-centric infrastructure are honestly two of the biggest blind-spots of mainstream progressives. The tide has been turning for car dependency somewhat, with more and more people starting to get behind the idea of walkable, cyclable cities.
However people can’t seem to overcome to cognitive dissonance and realize that the meat, dairy, and egg industries are antithetical to their morals and ideals.