I’m just going to use fl mobile. been wanting to release something recently and want to try routenote, which is a free distributor. Those are fun cuz we can look back in like 10 years and songs will still be there. Wanna make a song with me? Routenote is apparently good but slow and strict about pirated samples. Neither of those bother me so i thought to try them. I dont care how good or bad u are at musics.
u send me something or i send u something and we pass it back and forth a few times and release it?
totally up to you how we do it
i will start something and send it to u; or u can start something and send it; anyway time to make music! will send u what i make unless i check back and u were like ‘no’
yeah that sounds good, I’m still at work for a few more hours but I should be able to add something to what you’ve got when I get home :)
how do you wanna go about sending it?
idk where yet but i’ll put it somewhere online where you can just download it without logging in to anything and then message you a link.
sounds good!
Sent what I have so far. I could still tune up some instruments and volumes if they need it but this sounds like a good start at least. I love the ‘coolness’ of it. It feels like a beginning of a song (first 3 measures). maybe could get more epic? bpm 187.
curious what u do to it!
ooo this is tight. I know where I wanna take it.
are you able to split stems off? I want the drums at least to not have a jarring switch of the drum samples a minute into it.
the song is this what do u mean stem? mea noob
oh stems are the tracks separated into different files, usually what people use for a remix.
I’m just looking for the drum track on its own to use the same samples as you
Can I get in on this?
Or at least hear some?
sent. sorry tooka while. on solar and its a week of solid snow; so unusual electric problems
i think i know what youre talking about and fixed it but phone 1% gtG!
ok i got to a good stopping point where all the stuff in the song feels solid. Now transfering the wav to this phone then internet somewhere.