I’m planning on moving to linux from windows(personal) and macos(work use), although I prefer mac os, so I don’t really want to use mint, and I feel like I should add that I don’t care if GNOME isn’t that similar to macos, I want something different, and I also use my computer for gaming
PopOS for sure. Ubuntu hasn’t been great lately.
Why PopOS and why isn’t Ubuntu great lately? Did I miss something?
Look under Snap
Gotcha. Thanks for sharing. We’ll see what happens with Snap. I mostly use APT anyway. I had some few cases of Snap where it even wouldn’t update itself.
The thing is, sometimes apt install uses snap…
I’m willing to bet snap is here to stay. Unless Ubuntu saw a drop in users since this was announced, and I haven’t heard anything of the sort except anecdotes.
Snap is important for Ubuntu’s embedded and cloud ambitions. It is not going anywhere. At least, that is my opinion.
I do not use Ubuntu ( for a few reasons - including Snap ).
But why not just uninstall snap and install flatpack?
Because Ubuntu will reinstall snapd during some updates and then try to replace some native apt packages to snap
The reason snap reinstalls is just due to basic dependency management, nothing sinister. Apt has a feature to stop a package, such as snap, from reinstalling if you don’t want it.
Although I don’t see the point in removing snap. Just uninstall the snap version of Firefox and use flatpak for whatever you want. Or if you don’t like that, have fun dealing with third party packages and apt funkiness.
Pop!OS anyday over ubuntu.
Why have you narrowed it down to those two options, if I may ask? Between those two, I’d go for Pop_OS but if you are open for another suggestion, you may want to look at EndeavourOS, which is based on the same Linux distribution as SteamOS (since you said you also want to game).
+1 for EndeavourOS. Just installed it on an older notebook (ThinkPad X220) and damn, was it a breeze to set up properly.
I don’t think we should recommend any rolling release to beginners, I love Arch but that’s just going to cause issues!
At least not without warning. I begun with Manjaro and am very happy with it, so much it’s still my main OS maybe 5 years later, but I’m happy I was warned and read a few things beforehand.
Definitely, you have to want to learn Linux fast and possibly a little more painful if you choose that path. Especially that SteamOS comparison annoys me, you spend basically all your time in a completely sandboxed environment with that (Steam uses Flatpaks for everything) so it has very little to do with Arch for most users!
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I don’t think we should recommend any rolling release to beginners
Why not?
They aren’t unstable perse but there are always issues with some update and as a beginner with no clue about Linux I even struggled to solve Mints very rare issues, I think it’s better to learn Linux first or that person might have a very frustrating experience!
You don’t need to update things to use rolling-release distros, and I’ve never encountered an issue with updates yet.
Not updating regularly is the best way to brick a rolking release, just trust me on that one! 😅😂
Gently scoffs in Tumbleweed
I think rolling releases are fine for beginners as long as they update regularly. If you do not update EndeavourOS often enough, you will get arch-letting and GPG issues when you do. Also, you may get more than one “do you want to replace” questions and the more packages you are updating, the harder it is to know what that means.
I think Manjaro has ruined the reputation of all rolling releases. People blame the problems Manjaro has on its rolling nature. You will not see those issues on Arch. By reputation, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed is solid.
What’s wrong with Manjaro?
Yeah, you’re probably right. Haven’t had any issues the last time I used Manjaro, though. But that’s only anecdotal evidence at best.
I’d say popos. It’s very polished and they are both developers as well as hardware people. It works very well. For servers I’d go with Ubuntu, but not for desktops.
Any distro is better than Ubuntu nowadays. I use pop os personally and it works flawlessly.
I’ve been using Ubuntu for the past 6 years, haven’t tried another distro because I’m so comfortable here. Could you tell me why you think others are so much better?
Maybe I should switch, but I think my experience in Ubuntu might outweigh the negatives that it has ie I might just know how to deal with it’s peculiarities and I don’t even realize
If it works well for you, don’t switch. Many Linux users are against Snaps, because Canonical “forces” them on you and they tend to take up more space. Ubuntu has become the Nickelback of Linux distros. Yes, it’s not the best, but it’s also not terrible and still a good beginner distro. Stick with what you like.
I’ll be that guy - I still default to Ubuntu. The concerns about snap are valid but it’s still a rock solid OS. Every server I have has been running it for years, virtually no problems except during upgrades if I’m careless about config updates.
I’ve use Ubuntu and a lot of other distros are based on Ubuntu. When I switched from Windows to Linux, I wanted to have the desktop look different from Windows. Some people want that familiar look of Windows. It’s a matter of taste.
I tried PopOS, but it’s Nvidia driver was behind what Ubuntu was running, so I went back to Ubuntu. But the Linux community hates Nvidia and Snap. I have an Nvidia card, and it plays my games and looks great. Snap doesn’t bother me. BUT Linux is great in that there is so much choice with many distros. Try them and see which one you like.
PopOS is the best experience I have had with a distro for a while.
Pop_OS! is a greatly extended version of Ubuntu. It offers an unique 1 password encryption + login solution. I don’t have Nvidia gpu but many people has claimed it offers the best Nvidia support out of the box.
It does. Literaly worked out of the box whereas on windows i had to go through some really painfull process to make it work
POP!_OS all the way. They ship the latest kernel and also have their own COSMIC desktop workflow. If you want the latest software use flatpak or Guix/Nix instead.
Hannah Montana Linux is a nice cleaned up fork on Ubuntu with zero downsides. Your anti virus is also Hannah Montana so u can’t get viruses.
I moved from Ubuntu to Pop!_OS.
It feels miles ahead, it feels so clean and polished and looks great, flatpaks enabled instead of snap. Go Pop
It’s better than it used to be but for gaming a Debian base can still get in your way and if you don’t mind the change in interface anyway it might be worth checking out Nobora. That’s a gaming focused edition of Fedora by Glorious Eggroll, the creator of a really cool version of Valves Proton called ProtonGE and highly regarded in the community! It’s basically Fedora with a few modifications and great defaults for gaming and only a Gnome version.
There’s also a KDE version of Nobara. I use it myself and it’s been great so far.
Cool, I didn’t know about that one but I am a Gnome user so I can’t say I ever really looked for another spin ether! :)
I’d say any Ubuntu-based distro over Ubuntu itself.
Either Pop, or Linux Mint.
+1 For Pop OS - spend many days distro hoping and end up there :)
Pop os is always better than ubuntu