Where is his authority to tell a public business it has to do anything about its hiring practices?
Trump’s EO basically just undoes anything positive, it doesn’t make anything new.
The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.
How does hiring practice have anything to do with what the FCC has power over? The government has departments for that, but it’s not the FCC.
Edit Typing = hard, Typing on mobile = tears
I try to wonder, what’s the 4D chess here?
R’s always want to dissolve these agencies, claim they overreach and abuse, and suppress their poor, unfortunate monopolies. But the mass opinion so far is hell no, we don’t want the unregulated hellscape that follows, we don’t want unchecked corpus.
So now that they can, do they order said agencies to actually overreach and abuse, so when it is offered to end it later it gets celebrated and accomplished?
Or should I give up because it’s not actually supposed to make any sense or semblance of a plan? Or is it all just a mess of distraction and unrest?
Heres the strategy “It hurts the others”
Is it? The bottom of the totem pole might believe that and feel empowered by it, but I think the top is only concerned about themselves. I just don’t see them wasting the McCalories sparking a real thought about anything but their own gains. Sure, they don’t like us poors, but really they don’t like being told they have to treat us fairly.
As in, they don’t exactly want to gut the government purely out of desire to throw us into suffering, the suffering is just a bonus to the original goal of never ending wealth, and never being told what they can’t do.
Cut the spending, cut their taxes. Cut the public agencies, open up private revenue streams. Big G wants to say you can’t destroy your competition and become the only company people can send money to? Says you can’t bulldoze that forest? Can’t dump your waste in the river for free? Can’t have your workers working for next to nothing? Cut the agency. Cut the program. Become Gods.
Announcing an investigation is like the simplest way you can pander to a group.
I could do it right now.
This way they can distract the idiots while they steal their social security, and all their identity and medical information off government servers.
Trump and Elon are not top. Just people that got money from their fathers greed and oppression.
I mean Felon is pretty up there, he’s President! Note you have to think about which I may be referring to.
How they got it doesn’t much change that they do got it. And they want more, and they want anything slowing them from more or threatening to take any of it, to go away.
They’re actually playing a reverse card here and it’s sorta brilliant and stupid at the same time. A lot of these lawsuits are claiming the DEI policies are illegal because they are promoting certain groups over others.
There are a number of cases popping up like this and it’s probably an attempt to get it in front of the Supreme Court to kill protected classes or something - https://www.yahoo.com/news/missouri-sues-starbucks-over-dei-231002340.html
But this guy is in charge of the FCC, is he making the argument that they are breaking some broadcasting regulation by allowing non-white men in the media? If not, then he needs to look to another organization to make that case for him as staffing is not in his organization’s purview.
And I understand what he is trying to do, it’s the exact same racist argument they used to have the Supreme Court rollback affirmative action. It’s all white supremacist arguments, just no “white genocide” in writing, just implied.
They don’t care about doing things properly.
Don’t disagree just sharing context and info.
They are taking this approach because the supreme court killed affirmative action.
Having data caps is DEI, pls remove.
anything below a gig is woke.
The small government that doesn’t want to tell people what to do
Exactly. The truth we all know is, right wingers LOVE huge, wildly overreaching government, so long as it does whatever they want.
As long as it’s working for white people. The second someone white [and hetero] is not above someone checking those boxes they have a HUGE problem with the government.
Couldn’t they just investigate them for being shit?
> Has DEI
> Broke discrimination lawsThe cognitive dissonance is strong here.
It makes sense when viewed through the lense of a psychopathic white supremacist
They see trying to make white people the same as everyone else [because we are] as discrimination.
I mean, fuck Comcast but this is ridiculous.
That’s like arresting a criminal for doing something right.
Social issues aside, diversity is profitable, as it minimizes missing business opportunities due to groupthink. Therefore, even for terrible companies like Comcast, it would be financially irresponsible to not implement DEI programs.
This is getting ridiculous.
the proces are woke. the nazi way would give us gigabit for $15/month. plz fix.
How dare they try to improve their dumpster fire of a company. Now that the elongated muskrat is in charge, hiring black people and women is illegal.