Mfers will talk about virtue signalling and then propose some shit like this.
Tbf, satire died when Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize
I just want to add to this in case you weren’t aware (I certainly wasn’t until a few years ago), a Vietnamese revolutionary was supposed to receive the honors along with him and he basically said if he’s going to share it with Kissinger then he doesn’t want it. Awesome guy honestly.
Entirely new levels of unserious. Freedom fries but with a whole-ass country.
Dismantling the Empire but then wanting to do this ticky tacky shit is so contemptuously ridiculous. They should rename the USA to Eagleland or whatever it was in Earthbound next
The Gulf of Eagleland
Sitting here waiting for Fetterman to co-sponsor in the senate.
Yeah, that’s catchy and brief
in case you were wondering
H.R.1161 - Aligning SEC Regulations for the World Bank’s International Development Association Act
This bill exempts from securities regulations any securities issued by the International Development Association of the World Bank. The association provides loans and grants to developing countries. The Securities and Exchange Commission may suspend this exemption at any time.
Introduced to the house in 2023 by the House Financial Services committee, not yet passed. Sounds like an excellent financial opportunity for those in the know and with connections to the World Bank. You know. Like. For example. Members of the House Financial Services committee.