Through being overexposed to American news, I am slowly realizing that along with our social welfare rights one of the greatest privileges of being European is that of having absolutely no fucking idea who kid rock is.
You lucky duck
I would assume you’re born in the early 2000’s late 90’s then. Kid Rock was all day on MTV across europe.
Yeah, Kid Rock rode on the coattails of bands like Limp Bizkit to have a little bit of fame back then. Although he never reached the same heights as most nu metal bands and honestly, the only song of his that I can even remember right now on the spot is that bawitidaba gibberish.
Early 90s. The entire Wikipedia article for Kid Rock in my language, translated to English, is as follows:
Robert James Ritchie, better known as Kid Rock, is an American rock musician. He was born on January 17, 1971 in Romeo, Michigan. Kid Rock was married to Pamela Anderson for 4 months from July to November 2006.
Seems mostly notorious for who he was married to, and I’m not that into celebrity culture.
Then again, I grew up with four TV channels, two of which depended on good weather. Whatever happened on MTV never concerned me much. That said I very much grew up listening to American (outlaw) country and rock, and I still do.
Kid Rock is playing birthday parties now?
Kid rock played shows for the corporate/management teams for jimmy johns. He is well below state fair entertainment.
he’s touring with nickleback. nuff said.
I feel bad for nickleback
He’s 54 and still branded as ‘kid’, how appropriate.
And the song? Happy and you know it
To be clear, it wasn’t a lack of applause, but a lack of clapping to the beat. He was trying to lead the crowd in a group clap, and very few did.
True, but I think either shows that no one gave a shit about him.
Who would have guessed that there aren’t a lot of Bon Jovi/Kid Rock crossover fans?
Half the crowd was holding phones in their hands. I hate that shit
Interesting that such a high percentage of his listeners would be selfish like that.
I’m getting secondhand cringe.
Hahahah he gets a bigger cheer when he has his sook and runs off like a baby, skip to the last 30 seconds or so to not have to listen to him ‘sing’
Stupid dickhead.
Hey! He doesn’t go around calling you a kind and intelligent person now, does he?
Astute fucking mollusc.
The second his anthropomorphized-monster-energy-drink ass hit the backstage is exactly when to start clapping.
Jeb! would never do that.
Maybe if he didn’t try to improvise a 60 year old classic rock song with a band that most likely was there to play 80’s hair metal? Also didn’t help he was getting shown up by the woman next to him that can actually sing. BTW is that a keyboard guitar on the right?