Would we have Lil cities that look like models or would the ants have just killed us? Global warming wouldn’t be a problem and if we got as far as we did now but were tiny things would be looking okay
Our metabolism would be completely different meaning we would probably only live as long as rats.
We would probably just live like rats. Smart as far as animals go but too short lived to build cities.
Feel like shit, just want a Skaven Under-Empire.
I guess if upright and smol we also wouldn’t be able to have enough babies thst would grow super fast too
live as long as rats.
Skill issue. I’d live as long as African Grey parrots and be able to talk. We’d make cities out of hamster toys.
I don’t understand the square cube law at all. It means ants can lift something 100 times their weight. Bug-sized “people” might mean MMA is awesome.
Plus - like blame commented - we’d need our brain in a vat.
Jeesh, the amount of nutrients our brains require at our current size. Actual bugs get small, and there’s even some wasps and other bugs that get so small their cells start dumping nuclei and shit. To get something with human brains at that size we’d probably need to turn into weird parasitic jellies.
what if we put all our brains in a network of vats
Parasitic jelly time
Parasitic jelly time
Parasitic jelly time