from @MidnightMan

If you have been wondering what you can do make a meaningful difference, then I may have an answer for you. Urgent action is required to prepare the people of the United States for a fascist government to come into power, and by extension the increasingly likely prospect of a genocide, but I can’t do it alone.

If you are a knowledge addict, data miner, proficient writer, or an otherwise gifted individual, then this may be your calling. We’re going to be doing and learning a lot of cool stuff, but the work is tedious, and it will aid you immensely to be driven either out of passion for learning and personal growth, love of labor, or sheer love for your fellow compatriots. Several self-maintained application servers are being run to assist with operations and collaboration.

If you’re curious or want to learn more, you can contact me at with a new email for increased compartmentaliation, after which you will receive a reply from my primary email. Our activities are strictly legal, but anonymity on your part is strongly encouraged as a precaution to retaliatory action. Interested parties should not respond to this message over Lemmy.


The above message is likely an attempt to collect email addresses of people who might be well meaning. I would strongly advise against communicating with this person for the below reasons.

You cannot encrypt email End to End. It has to be stored in plaintext somewhere.

Yahoo does not offer encrypted email.

You have no idea of who will be emailing you back so there will be no way in which to validate your comms.

If you’re looking to organize you can follow the advice below

For those interested in building networks and organizing folks to get together that’s even better. However it carries some risk so if you’re organizing use E2E comms and if you’re researching use Tor Browser. Better yet use a Tails USB on a coffee shop wifi.

And don’t communicate over email, even encrypted email. Email needs to be stored and archived for it to work, often in plaintext so it’s never going to be a secure way to communicate.

For a place to start looking for aid and assistance. If there’s a fridge or book or tool share that’s not there, notify them please so they can update the site.

If you’re looking for a place to help, look up Food Not Bombs plus whatever city is closest to you.

I understand it’s an http site. Don’t sign up for anything that doesn’t pass your vibe check.

If you’d like to help undo all these info purges there’s

Most of all, talk to loved ones, build community. We keep us safe. If you’re interested you could start a patrol and disrupt ICE stakeouts.

It’s a marathon not a sprint. Sometimes it’s as easy as doing the dishes. Mutual aid helps your neighbors and helps you.

Self care and avoiding burnout is most important. They want us harried and worried and feeling like there’s nothing we can do. Fuck that

    28 days ago

    This is so wrong you don’t share anything with PGP you never share a private key with anyone and you can shared your public key with anyone it’s useless without the private key.

    • horse_battery_staple@lemmy.worldOP
      28 days ago

      MidnightMan can verify that I have their public key. Great, I still have no way to verify them. They’re a 22 hour old account spamming DMs asking to move to a less secure platform. It’s not the way this is done.

        28 days ago

        If “they” sign their message with their private key, you can use the public key to verify that “they” signed the message. Signing is, of course, a separate thing from encryption. And it only means that "whoever signed the message used the private key from a specific keypair – it doesn’t say anything about the intentions of the person or people who possess the private key.

        28 days ago

        Yes you can as bitch about the spam all day long but if you are going to, be correct about the technology you are talking

        Also you can so verify them via their public key. Pgp has the ability to sign plain text documents but not encrypt for just that reason.

            28 days ago

            Note I don’t know one way or another if you are spamming or not and everyone has a their own tolerance for the amount. But my problem was if they are going to complain about it. They need to be correct with their statements.