This is the very essence of the difference that should exist between a President and a King. From Federalist 69:
The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and, upon conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office; and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. The person of the king of Great Britain is sacred and inviolable; there is no constitutional tribunal to which he is amenable; no punishment to which he can be subjected without involving the crisis of a national revolution. In this delicate and important circumstance of personal responsibility, the President of Confederated America would stand upon no better ground than a governor of New York, and upon worse ground than the governors of Maryland and Delaware.
The failure of the Republican party to support this kind of check on Presidential power is why we’re having this crisis now.
So like, when will other countries start letting us evacuate to them?
We haven’t done a whole lot lately to endear ourselves to allies and partner nations unfortunately
Sadly a lot of the people who will get fucked the hardest, like myself, are also the kinda people who agree with the frustrations of allied and partnered nations, yet will get judged based on the behavior of magats instead of the fact that we don’t want any of the shit the US is doing but can’t change anything.
Unironically why I refer to myself as Californian to known foreigners, rather than American. Have had 3 different people tell me that helped them at least be ready to see me as one of the less idiotic ones to begin with, so it worked as intended
Fucking sad, really
Oregonian first.
As an European I thank you for your service in making pizza delicious
Unfortunately I’m Texan, lmao. That’d only make it worse.
Guess its good I made it to Washington (state) before this. I feel like its known as a pretty blue area.
Hi, just about any EU country here, please apply for asylum at the nearest convenient embassy in the US, and we will get to you once we processed all these people from Syria, and Africa at large. This may take several decades as the Nazis your government is funding are lobbying to defund the whole thing.
If you want to try to expedite this process you might want to hop over to Albania and try to make your case at the wonderful township of Röszke where you can be a backdrop to the next election campaign in Hungary.
Helpful phrases include:
Less helpful phrases that will only elicit laughter are:
Don’t worry, our best people who we could get to supplement the border guard as “border hunters” for 130 EUR a month full time are there to help you. They are highly qualified, as attending school for at least 8 years is mandatory (any actual grade attainment is not guaranteed and frankly unlikely).
You thought the ICE was bad.
lol nobody is coming to save us.
your police have been militarizing themselves for 20 years to make sure you dont save yourselves, either.
And where the fuck do you plan to go? As a Canadian, I’m looking at where to send my family to be safe from the YOUR country.
Bro, I want to keep my family safe from MY country. It’s all bad.