JD Vance argued that courts cannot overrule Trump’s executive orders, likening judicial interference to an illegal overreach.
Critics, including lawmakers and legal experts, denounced his claims as unconstitutional.
This debate follows recent federal rulings blocking Trump’s executive actions, including spending freezes and an order ending birthright citizenship.
Opposition figures warned against undermining the judiciary, emphasizing checks and balances.
He literally has a law degree from Yale.
He knows this isn’t true.
Can the media fucking call him on this, please?
It’s not their job anymore. They are just Trumps cheerleaders now.
Wouldn’t want the FCC to investigate you for BiAs aGaInSt CoNsErVaTiVeS now would you?
But hey at least we aren’t a socialist country, they only do those things when you’re in a socialist country amirite Thank God I don’t have taxpayer funded healthcare and affordable housing…
It was never their job. Not the most independent organization, not before the Washington Post chose darkness, not with Woodward/Bernstein, not during Edward R. Murrow’s reporting, none of it. These are private, for-profit businesses. If they have journalistic principles, that’s great! But that will never come before money…
You would think Yale would have something to say. As I see it, a law degree from there is useless, do you even need to be able to read to get in?
do you even need to be able to read to get in?
Not for legacy admissions, that’s for damn sure.
Why, after everything, do people still believe that conservatives and normies would demand a stop to unconstitutional shenanigans “if they only knew…”.
They know, or they don’t care, or both.
Are we seeking validation through the press? Because that’s all they’ve left to offer.
Very true, nothing changed after it was revealed we tortured people in the Afghanistan/Iraq wars, and nothing changed after Snowden showed mass spying on US citizens.
We’ve been at a point where disclosure basically means nothing to the world at large, simply because of the massive amounts of information produced and disseminated every day.
Maybe the information age was a mistake.
Rich people don’t attend Yale to learn, they attend to schmooze
The media is owned by the same billionaires that own the politicians.
This isn’t a left versus right thing anymore. It’s a have vs the have-nots.
And there’s a lot more of us have-nots.
COVID taught us that even two weeks of reduced profits was enough to send a lot of these companies spinning.
We could literally end this in a month with a general strike, but we’ll never get enough citizens on board with it.
Oversight and balance of power is for Democrats, silly!
No, couch boy, that is how it works… A president can’t just do whatever he wants and we all just have to be fine with it. There are still rules. What you’re talking about is the supreme leadership of a dictator. Kindly take your fascist fuckery and shove it up your ass with the rest of Trump’s dick.
well, if the founding fathers didn’t want the president total power and act like a king, they should have named it something different than king and divide the power in multiples branches
Something something “official acts”.
There’s a difference between “can’t be overruled by the Judiciary” and “can’t be arrested for trying.”
Conservatives talk so much about wanting limited government… but so quick to try to throw out literally what is taught in elementary school about… keeping the government in check.
What somewhat baffles me the most… is it’s not like they are really even worried about being stopped… only slowed down.
We know damn well that trump owns the supreme court… and half the federal courts. So the point is at the end of the day his orders are going through anyway, as the supreme court will continue to pick up these and overrule all precedent, constitutionality and general law.
It’s almost like they’re liars or something.
My entire life, conservatives say whatever they want to get to where they can get tax payer funds into corporations and billionaires. They have no real values other than enriching themselves and their owners.
Its like saying the president can do anything they want, and “the people” can’t do anything about it.
At this point there is nothing that can be done but mass US wide protests.
The government works for the people, when it stops doing that its no longer a government, but a dictatorship.
We just need one general still loyal to our republic to take the whitehouse and restore democracy!
A military coup is literally the worst thing that could happen.
It doesn’t restore anything. It instantly destroys all legitimacy of the democracy, cause it proves that men with guns can simply ignore all the rules that have been built up over 250 years.Too late. They’ve already proven even men without guns can simply ignore all the rules. Your democracy and government is going to have to be rebuilt from scratch now anyway.
“i was told i could not be fact checked”
If the media is cowed, Congress is gridlocked, and the courts aren’t allowed to exercise their authority, then who the hell do they think will serve as a check on presidential power?
That’s the neat part!
Well JD Vance can fuck off all the way up his own ass with his blatant lies.
Here’s the horrible hiccup: however legitimate a judge and their decision is, it’s only as relevant as it’s enforced. And if the enforcer in chief says “fuck you and your ruling” and puts the judges in prison, what then?
That’ll be the question: who’s gonna come to grab these judges, and who’s gonna stand in the way and say fuck off. And then who’s gonna drop their pants first, or who’s gonna shoot first…
I don’t think judges are even overruling Trump at this point, just issuing injunctions and restraining orders to put things on hold while they sort out whether Trump is allowed to do what he’s trying to do.
These cunts have to be dealt with.
They just keep moving fast and keep doing dictator shit and keep not being stopped and there will be nothing left to save in about 6 weeks. The judicial/law process trying to keep up and chase down everything they’re doing and continue to do just stays in a state of being overwhelmed. There was an amendment for this exact situation but, yknow.
Hitler dismantled democracy in 53 days. Trump’s been in for 22. “Fascist takeover speedrun, any%”
i Am A cOnStItUtIoNaLiSt
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