Here a fucked up fact. I worked for a company who had Datacenter 1 in Tower 2 and Datacenter 2 in Tower 1. We lost both datacenters along with most IT personnel that day. Hundreds of people lost. After that, our DR plans had to include “all hands lost” as part of the scenarios. Before 9/11, the thought of losing everything and everyone never crossed most IT departments’ minds.
Good thing they made two of them so if anything happened to one they have the other as backup.
Here a fucked up fact. I worked for a company who had Datacenter 1 in Tower 2 and Datacenter 2 in Tower 1. We lost both datacenters along with most IT personnel that day. Hundreds of people lost. After that, our DR plans had to include “all hands lost” as part of the scenarios. Before 9/11, the thought of losing everything and everyone never crossed most IT departments’ minds.