I think this may be body dependent. Sometimes I get a nasty hangover headache from just two drinks. Lady weekend I pounded like 5 and a half drinks in an hour or two, I was drunk and queasy until deep into the next morning and no hangover. I think it’s more about what you eat and drink besides the alcohol.
I don’t drink as often as I used to these days and noticed that there’s short term tolerance for alcohol. Like if I get a case of beer, if I have 4 the first night after going some months without drinking more than one drink, I’ll often stop before getting to 4 because I’m feeling like the drunk is going in a bad direction. But if I have what I can one night, then the next night 4 isn’t a big deal.
Is feeling like you’re about to pass out normal with hangovers? and yeah, for some reason, im addicted to the sensation and wanna see what kind of crazy stuff drunk me will do
Don’t drink quite so much.
Seriously, hangovers are a sign of excessive drinking. Last memorable one I had was 16 years ago.
I think this may be body dependent. Sometimes I get a nasty hangover headache from just two drinks. Lady weekend I pounded like 5 and a half drinks in an hour or two, I was drunk and queasy until deep into the next morning and no hangover. I think it’s more about what you eat and drink besides the alcohol.
I don’t drink as often as I used to these days and noticed that there’s short term tolerance for alcohol. Like if I get a case of beer, if I have 4 the first night after going some months without drinking more than one drink, I’ll often stop before getting to 4 because I’m feeling like the drunk is going in a bad direction. But if I have what I can one night, then the next night 4 isn’t a big deal.
Same thing seemed to happen with hangovers.
Is feeling like you’re about to pass out normal with hangovers? and yeah, for some reason, im addicted to the sensation and wanna see what kind of crazy stuff drunk me will do