I’m in Europe, where american football isn’t a thing and the NFL is nothing we care about.
We also tend to have better standards to serve and eat our food.
So why am I to find this crap in Lidl?
I’m in Europe, where american football isn’t a thing and the NFL is nothing we care about.
We also tend to have better standards to serve and eat our food.
So why am I to find this crap in Lidl?
And it was being treated as a poor taste novelty by everyone.
To be fair, this isn’t exactly an uncommon thing for Lidl. Have something absolutely insane for no reason whatsoever.
Poor taste plastic novelties are sadly as American as Apple Pie.
I don’t get that saying, apple pie is a thing in many places
A lot of it is from early colonialism a la Johnny Appleseed and that, at the time, cider was a preferred drink over water.
Jean Kayak picks up his Applejack…