In July 2024, a Lancet study said the death toll could exceed 186,000 because the official toll does not include “thousands of dead buried under rubble and indirect deaths due to destruction of health facilities, food distribution systems and other public infrastructure”
The study pointed out that the death toll is higher because the official toll does not take into account thousands of dead buried under rubble and indirect deaths due to destruction of health facilities, food distribution systems and other public infrastructure.
But the Gaza population was estimated at 2.3 million in 2023 and Trump’s plan to relocate all Gazans from last week only includes 1.8 million people, so the death toll is closer to 500,000
I’ve said it before, I’ll be shocked if it’s less than 250k.
Wait, you’re telling me the 😱 😱 😱 HAMAS RUN 😱 😱 😱 health ministry numbers were a grievous undercount? Like the left was telling you?
This isn’t gloating or politicizing this tragedy, mind. This is forcing a dog’s nose in its own shit to potty train it. Look at the talking points you fucking bloodless libs helped disseminate, and do one (1) of the following:
- Educate yourself
- Listen to the people left of you, or
- SHUT THE FUCK UP and let the people who do the first two speak instead
I DMed this to a list of Gaza genocide deniers online I took down the usernames of, knowing this information would come out inevitably.
Now THAT’s what I call PRAXIS
I mean hardly, but I hope they do learn to give things they hear a second thought next time, and apply a critical lens.
Nah you’re right but I do love to see it