There is any place where I can download FP exclusive content from LTT without paying? Thank you

    2 years ago

    Its one of those things that is incredibly obvious in hindsight. The actual “incident” was the same as any “hot take” over the years: Someone calls out Linus’s bullshit. He takes it as a personal insult, goes full Influencer to get the audience on his side, and does a “not really but really” call for action against whoever wronged him. Like, there are still some tech youtubers who “catch strays” any time the LMG community remember that they had the audacity to talk about how interacting with Linus was incredibly uncomfortable and unprofessional and so forth.

    This was just extra “interesting” since it was a call to action against the people being called.

    And I think it was this particular debacle that made people realize that the unofficial LTT subreddit… has a lot of LTT staff as mods. And that came up as an argument that LMG require staff running their subreddit in case someone tries to dox them at 2 am. Which… ignores that reddit has other message boards AND has really bad implications on work/life balance expectations.

    But yeah. I still skim the occasional LTT video because… their bullshit six figure house mods are solving similar problems that I have and I can find a way to get that down to three figures. But I am definitely glad that the big computer companies are broadening to work more with the “b tier” computer youtubers like GN and Jay and the like. Nice to be able to get a fab tour without it needing to be a travel vlog by a millionaire.