12 hours ago I slipped backwards while descending stairs and whacked my elbow. All my weight and leverage from my 6’4 frame landed square on my funny bone. Immediatly I was shaken up and my pinky went numb. I looked and saw a dark red streak on the tip that wasnt there before. Presumably from broken blood vessels. Currently the pinky is half covered my a massive bruise and it hurts.
Im still not feeling super well. I have a high pain tolerance and normally shrug off life’s little knocks. But something about that Ulnar nerve getting really messed with me.
Kinda concerned because I cant find any similar cases online. I saw a doctor on campus and she said not to worry but I’m also wary of doctors since transitioning. I dont get the same standard of care that I did before.
kitty hwurty
I am not a doctor lol, but the only time I had bruising spread over such a large area was when I broke my wrist and the contusion went all the way up my forearm