“It’s gonna take over the world! It’s going to destroy humanity!”
This commentary provided while going through a pained listen of Trueanon’s episode on the LessWrong cult. UlyessesT if you’re out there I understand your suffering.
It’d be very funny if all the tech guys who saw Oppenheimer wanted to be him so much that they just act in terrified awe of everything they work on.
Like, “Juicero is going to destroy the world! I am become death!”
Juicing humans
Just squeeze the human by hand, you don’t need a machine
“but if I stop building it then someone else will build it and it will destroy humanity Chinese-ly, which is worse somehow”
*struggling to make a chatbot that works even a little bit, getting worried that the investors might pull the plug if it doesn’t start making them money soon* Uh… uh… uh… “oh no, I think I accidentally invented God and I am very afraid, this is very serious and dangerous for real!” phew that was close, the grift train chugs along for another day!
Knowing that people actually take Rokos Basilisk seriously and that it isn’t just like the gym forum amount of days in the week debate is cursed knowledge. And that it is people who have real material influence on the world as well.
I used ChatGPT once and now I can’t sleep because I’m too scared of Rocco Siffredi’s Basilisk
“I knew it,” he says, right before being stomped out by a robot sporting the malformed words “ETHNICALLY AMBIGUOUS.”
We are long past the point where one persons contribution to these technological advances matter all that much. If that nerd who runs OpenAI wasn’t there there’d be some other nerd running things. As long as the market thinks there’s profit in it these things will be made.
Yeah I’m listening to that ep now too lol. Also is the Rocko’s Modern Life themesong deliberately made to sound like it was written by the B-52s?
It was literally performed by them lmao
Welp that makes sense lmao. I only watched the show as a kid before I even knew who the b52s were, then heard the snippet on the TA episode and was like wait a minute…
I agree with what Liz said in an earlier episode: They don’t actually believe that, it’s just something they say so investors will think they are the biggest-brained coders and keep throwing money at them.
But then why do investors throw the money at them? If I’m an investor, I’m not throwing my money at some guy who says, “this technology will destroy humanity”.
So long as there is money to be made, they don’t care.
Lmao, I guess you’re not familiar with the fossil fuel industry.
I thought we kinda moved past all that pseudo (not even pseudo… less than that) BS around AI (“uhh, the world. Uhhhhhhh. Can you imagine, uhh, it will, uhhh, yeah. Yeah.”) Like 10 years ago. But probably not… unfortunately I have a habit of coping with stuff by hearing it and thinking “oh yeah that’s dumb as hell.” Then falsely believing everyone else also realizes it
I do remember Elon, among many, whining on about the “singularity” or whatever. The chatbot singularity is coming! Any day now.
Then the motherfucker kept funding “AI” research. The only conclusion you can reach is “They are using this as a selling point…”
Some tried framing it like “China bad! We good! We must make!” (Real “God is real and he’s an American!” vibes)