Eh, I’d say they both have their place. But it’s nice to have a bit of each.
Pears need to be ripened and softened just right to be truly delicious, whereas apples you kind of only really want crisp. A pear is still good crisp, but it’s meh compared to a crisp apple. A mushy apple is kind of blecch while a mushy pear can be a delicious dream.
Pears are just the better version of apples
Eh, I’d say they both have their place. But it’s nice to have a bit of each.
Pears need to be ripened and softened just right to be truly delicious, whereas apples you kind of only really want crisp. A pear is still good crisp, but it’s meh compared to a crisp apple. A mushy apple is kind of blecch while a mushy pear can be a delicious dream.