I fired up TimeSplitters 2 for the first time in like two decades and immediately went not-built-for-this at the aiming controls

Firing from the hip, there’s no crosshair on the screen, which would be fine, but instead of a zoomed-in aiming mode or iron sights, aiming your gun roots you in place and gives you this light gun game-like pointer crosshair. Usually, aiming in an FPS game decreases your sensitivity to make it easier to make finer adjustments but this is the opposite. The crosshair is essentially a super sensitive mouse cursor that you control with a stubby little thumbstick, and it feels terrible to use.

Halo had been out for almost a year by the time TimeSplitters 2 came out so why didn’t they just crib Bungie’s homework whywhywhywhywhy

I quickly went back and checked TimeSplitters: Future Perfect and sure enough, it just had a regular Halo-style crosshair as the default, called “fixed crosshair” in the options, with the old control style called “moving crosshair.” I guess by 2005 Halo had established its control scheme as the de facto standard for console FPS controls

  • Gorb [they/them]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Yeah the zoom controls i will admit are just plain bad. Don’t think the first level actually requires stealth though it just makes it easier but you can run through and trigger all the alarms. Not that it helps much.

    I think out of the fps on the ps2 at the time it was still the nicest feeling as competing games were medal of honor, killzone, nightfire, agent under fire. Which all felt clunky to me