So I’ve been thinking about if there’s a tool that lets you make a world where only certain biomes appear (for example, only sunflower plains, dark forest and river biomes would generate) and/or kind of ‘paint’ biomes. Not worldpaint kind of stuff, more like single biome worlds but it can be multiple biomes. It’s hard to describe but I hope you get what I mean.
Is this a thing that exists?
I know there’s an option to create single-biome worlds, but to my knowledge I don’t know of a tool that allows you to granularly select a set of biomes to include and a set to exclude. Would be neat if there is, though.
I would suggest looking at datapacks for anything similar. It’s insane what can be done in them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they could do what you want.
In 1.12 there was a Customized world type that let you choose multiple biomes. afaik it was removed in 1.13 though 3:
old post but this is quite easy with datapacks.
just set the type to multi noise, add the biomes you like, download the datapack, and make sure the namespace is set to
to override the vanilla settingsThere may be a way to edit a world’s level data to limit the world to only a specific set of biomes, rather than just one. But I havent looked too far into it.