This is a rant post and I apologize but I had to talk about this. Most subs are coming back online and not saying ANYTHING about the next steps. Only a handful of subs are going indefinite. I checked the front page for the first time today after leaving the a couple hours before the day of the blackout and what do I see? Subs are up, and comments and upvotes are up to the general average before the blackout.
I checked r/gaming to see their recent post (WHICH HAS OVER 68k UPVOTES), and I see a comment with over 500 upvotes saying in a nutshell, “You guys need to calm down, they’re a company and need to make money”.
Along with a couple other comments saying similar things. Are you fucking serious? You can’t even have the fucking balls to say, “This is a company that has consistently screwed over its users and I need to take a stand and quit my addiction”? You’re just gonna sit and do nothing? Fuck you. You’re no fucking better than u/spez. You’re all a bunch of fucking hypocritical liars for shitting on spez and the admins while talking about how you’re “done” with Reddit and you won’t support this.
Go touch grass you fucking addicted cowards. I’m glad I made the switch to Lemmy if it means I don’t have to interact with dumbfucks like you.
Why is Lemmy toxic?
Because of the toxic positivity here. You guys want to force everyone to be nice all the fucking time and that’s really fucking annoying. Also I don’t understand why you guys have such a fucking hard on for wanting other people to block shit for you. The user should be able to decide what they want and don’t want to see why the fuck do I need someone else making decisions for me? That makes no sense
Well you certainly sound like a redditor. Go take your anger management pills or go back to Reddit.
Or stay and rant, totally fine either way.
We all have our arrows
I would have directed you towards Voat, but apparently it shutdown. Sort of makes sense. It billed itself as a version of Reddit without censorship at all, and was created in the wake of Reddit banning a lot of communities like fatpeoplehate, jailbait, etc. It took the somewhat predictable course of becoming hate speech and nothing else. If you want a community that allows unfettered free speech, that is the issue you will have to confront. People create content, those with anything worthwhile aren’t going to contribute to a forum that mixes their content in with trash.
You can disagree without insults. You can discuss topics without immediate anger. There are places available where the type of interactions that you seek are already expected and allowed. We don’t need to force an entire multi-federation to change to suit another website’s previous allowances. Just use the previous website if you think it’s better. No sweat off my back, it has nothing to do with me.
It would be like me going to Facebook and being upset that it isn’t like Twitter, or going on Zoom and being upset that it isn’t Myspace. Everything has it’s place. Not everything HAS to be for absolutely everyone. Variety is the spice of life.