I’m talking about before we figured out we could grow vegetables and fruits. Early humans are often shown as being fit and in shape, yet our diet pretty much only consisted of meat. We were hunters. So why the hell were they so fit? I thought a healthy diet mattered more than just being active constantly?
Bananas grow on a herbaceous flowering plant.
Keep in mind that there is no such thing as a tree. They are tall and sturdy and woody and have a bunch of leaves on top, it is not unreasonable to call a banana plant a tree. Hell, the Wikipedia page for “Tree” goes back and forth on broader and narrower definitions and whether bananas and bamboo and so on count within them.
what I get from this comment is that trees are the crabs of the plant world
edit ~ oh, yes, that’s actually more or less the central idea of your link and the first comparison made. I’m still working on my morning coffee…