Wouldn’t it be more effective if they flew American flags also? Protesting to stop deportation but flying the flag of the country they want to send you to doesn’t make sense to me.
I feel flying American flags would have more impact.
You know, this is why liberals lost and why we continue to lose. We refuse to try and understand our opposition and their feelings. Flying a flag of a different country and stopping traffic is not going to endear people to your cause.
The boot will come down, and I don’t think we are ready for the fallout.
It’s the best ad for Trump that he didn’t pay for. Blocking traffic with foreign flags flying reduces sympathy for these people, and implies that Trump is correct that they don’t belong. Protestors need to ask themselves what they want and how they can get it.
People’s livelihood depends on them getting to work, school, etc on time. All this does is piss people off who were on the fence with issues like this.
All I see are people flying a Mexican flag. If they want to counter the whole “immigrant invasion” narrative then maybe they should consider flying the American flag.
counter point: I see brave people blocking the endless parade of pedestrian killing petroleum chariots and clearly not flying the US flag and I find them very endearing and find myself wanting to learn more about their motivation and sympathize with their cause.
and then it turns out their cause is protecting people from door kicking fascist pigs doing ethnic cleansing and state terror against the working class, and I’m completely on board.
r/PublicFreakout doesn’t like this at all
I assume a good portion of those are concern trolls lol
These ppl don’t know history or what protests do or how they accomplish anything. :vote:
counter point: I see brave people blocking the endless parade of pedestrian killing petroleum chariots and clearly not flying the US flag and I find them very endearing and find myself wanting to learn more about their motivation and sympathize with their cause.
and then it turns out their cause is protecting people from door kicking fascist pigs doing ethnic cleansing and state terror against the working class, and I’m completely on board.
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And they should all have AR-15s slung over their back. 'Murica