Not that it is not interesting but I would like just a tad more variety on the front page.
Edit btw for those who are wondering the two communities I started are and (not sure if I have the links correct for people)
I have , amazingly I decided to start two communities, something I have never done before despite the fact I had a 12 year badge and thousands of karma at the other place.
We don’t talk about that other place
We don’t talk about steve-o!
Idk. I’ll try again after more coffee.
I never posted on reddit…but luked for a very long time but I want this place to be better the reddit so bad and so…
I tried to create a community twice now, but it just sat there spinning after I hit “Create.” I’m trying to contribute, dammit.
Yep, sometimes this is happening to me I just open another tab and often the circle spin is irrelevant and the post or whatever has already been created , seems to be a issue with the system.
It looks like there is already a community with the same name, but when I go there to subscribe, it says “removed by mod.” maybe that’s my issue. Because even when I try to open new tabs and navigate to the community I’m trying to create, it’s not working.
Check your profile to see if you mod anything
Nope, no luck. But I’ll figure it out, I’m determined. I really appreciate your help!
If you do some googleing there are some pretty good faqs out , although it did take me a while, good luck
So I changed the name of the community, and it was created instantly. It looks like the other mod created a community with my desired name then deleted it, but the name was still taken. I’m now a proud mod of my own community, Thank you again for your help!
Yes, the group name remains with a deleted flag set. I’ve seen an admin for its home instance go in and delete them when it was brought to their attention, so that’s an option for anyone else having this issue in the future.
OMG I have experience,so glad you got it sorted and good luck with the community.