I saw someone else call this “gerrymandered pizza”.
Damn, I came here to say this and you beat me to it! 😂
Thanks, I hate it.
At this point they’re just gerrymandering the pizza
Maybe they tried to have each piece contain 5 slices, but gave up halfway through
The should make one big pepperoni that fits the pizza. No more pepperoni pizza issues.
But then you still need to cut the pepperoni tho
I disagree. It just makes cutting easier. One pepperoni per piece. It’s all one piece.
this was my thought as well. I imagine they probably intentionally did it like that just to be infuriating.
Right?!?! What kind of decision making went on here
Fucking gerrymandering
Hey, my first repost on lemmy! This is shamelessly lifted from r/pizza crimes a few weeks ago. And the top comment there was about gerrymandering too! This is a big moment for me, I think I’m officially a lemmian.
Current preferred term is “Lemming”.
Dang so obvious how did I miss that?
Lemming is kind of derogatory though no? Like someone who will follow the group think and do whatever the hive says - oh ok nm yeah that works ;)
I prefer “Lemurs” actually.
This reminds me of staying overnight at a friend’s house when I was a kid, and discovering a slightly sinister family habit, like cutting pizza with scissors or everyone drinking hot tea with dinner
I cut my pizza with kitchen scissors. My knives aren’t sharp enough and I don’t have to transfer it to a cutting board. And drinking warm water with a meal aids in digestion :D but I don’t do that lol
It’s that small moment when you realise other people do things differently.
I remember being a bit horrified with the amount of handling that goes on with pizza+scissors. Guess I was considered one of the family…
lmao my family and i do both of those things
No judgement here :D
I’ve been to pizzarias in Italy that cut with scissors…
And what’s wrong with hot tea with dinner?
Nothing wrong with either, though I can’t speak for Italian pizza cutting techniques.
It’s still pretty unusual to offer a 10yo a brew with his roast dinner. I’m sure my friends found it strange that we drank coffee before bed, but there you go.
Cutting a pepperoni pizza is always a lose-lose situation
I’m okay with it.
Bless it’s heart
Simultaneously OCD trigger and OCD in action
This is madness! 😂
Oh great the reposts begin…
Hey, someone needs to deliver content… it’s not like I have anything original to offer 🙃
I agree, 70% of Reddit memes, pics, etc are stolen anyways. I don’t see a reason we couldn’t steal some of it to boost our content.
Actually better to do it, before the good contents are lost in Redd** forever
Necessary evil.
If you look closely the salami pieces are cut the same way. This is a pizza fractal!
Whoever did this is a mad genius!
32 pepperoni pieces, divided into 8 slices. Is it just me or is it even more infuriating that those slices are not evenly sized?
I cannot fathom why they did not do what normal people do and rearrange the pepperoni prior to putting it in the oven.
It’s not just you… 🙈