Even the fucking Bus Eireann wouldn’t go all the way to Donegal back in the naughts because fuck driving all the way up there, right? Capitalism at its finest.
It existed up until the pandemic, Trenhotel, I took it once. Fell asleep in the center of Madrid, woke up in downtown Lisbon. The trip had beautiful snowy landscapes lit by the full moon. It’s such a shame it’s gone.
Spain and Portugal: no thank you
And Ireland? Or is the map just having a very specific interpretation of “Europe”?
Are there night trains in Ireland?
There are no trains in Ireland T_T
Even the fucking Bus Eireann wouldn’t go all the way to Donegal back in the naughts because fuck driving all the way up there, right? Capitalism at its finest.
a night bus use to be seasonal till few years ago XD
It existed up until the pandemic, Trenhotel, I took it once. Fell asleep in the center of Madrid, woke up in downtown Lisbon. The trip had beautiful snowy landscapes lit by the full moon. It’s such a shame it’s gone.