I’m looking for a BIFL (or at least last me for a while) music player that can play .wav files, has a lot of storage, is portable, and the parts are able to be replaced/upgraded. I’ve heard about using iPod classics but it seems like they’re unable to play .wav files. Any reccomendations?
Why wav, out of curiosity?
I assume they want full quality audio but don’t know that flac exists
Nah, I’m aware of flac, but I’ve had issues with compatibility that I don’t have with wav files.
What type of issues? Did you get error messages?
Lotta times in file players it’ll say unregonized file type
Which players? FLAC has been around for over 20 years, so players that don’t recognize it probably need to be updated :D
Apple music, Protools, Logic (although those two are DAWs), VLC
Weird that VLC is not playing FLACs for you, is that on iOS?