It’s hilarious how an “anarchist” show written by a liberal can be so extremist.
What lie was even said here? LMAO
TVTropes is pretty shit politically, and much like wikis everywhere there’s at least 3 sex pest power editors who spend their afternoons waxing poetic about Wonder Woman’s cleavage.
much like wikis everywhere there’s at least 3 sex pest power editors who spend their afternoons waxing poetic about Wonder Woman’s cleavage.
I’m just glad they’re keeping busy, them you don’t want to go outside
what ever happened to keeping a neutral tone? I know it’s a lie anyway, but they used to be pretty strict about the law of careful editing. Many, I used to burn through so many hours on that site.
There’s so much media and so much commentary on media, I’m not going to pretend to lose sleep over a six-year-old show getting ragged on in the subtext of a wikipedia for tropes.
A show that was obviously aping Fight Club turned out to… be critical of capitalism, you say?! Meh.
You can say whatever you want on TV tropes, haven’t browsed in half a decade but I feel like a ton of the “tropes” are just people giving their opinions about media and finding a trope to label their opinions
How much you wanna bet this nerd wouldn’t have said a damn thing if the show sucked off capitalism and whined about evil commies instead?
There is no such thing as a sympathetic right-leaning character.
Also, both Tyrell and Price are “right-leaning” psychopaths both clearly intended to be sympathetic by the end, so it’s wrong.
There is no such thing as a sympathetic right-leaning character.
Sure there is. You just need to be sympathetic to said right-leaning character’s goals or persona.
Tyler Durden is a great example of a sympathetic right-leaning character. Batman is a great example of a sympathetic right-leaning character. Consider any movie about a modern President from Air Force One to Dave. Consider every Tom Clancy novel or James Bond adaptation.
Liberals get suckered into right-leaning character tropes all the time. Look at how quickly they sucked up to the Bush Family and how fast those hagiographies for Colin Powell came out.