Uhhhh if someone is asking for a randomly generated authentication code you might want to double check who you’re talking to and make sure you’re not being scammed.
Holy shit that’s bad practice. Great way to get less tech savvy people used to customer service reps asking for verification codes and trusting them without hesitation.
It’s one of those things that are pretty annoying. Especially because you often need to login before starting the chat. The login should have authenticated me already.
Also in case anyone wonders they didn’t reply after 20 minutes so I gave up.
This is the most infuriating display of sheer incompetence. You’re logged into your fucking account, likely secured with 2FA, and the chat session you start is not authenticated in any way! You have to provide basic account info… The kind of info you are authorized to change because you are logged into your account… Corporations are a wet fetid sack of dog shit.
Happened to me. I’ve had both. Companies that say they’ll never do ask for that and companies that use a texted code to verify you over the phone or even in a helper chat. (I think Apple might even do it but I haven’t used their help in awhile)
So when I got a call from a number that was spoofing a payment app’s info, i didn’t think much of it when they asked for a code. But as soon as I said it, I knew I fucked up since I didn’t initiate the call. They tried to buy $500 gift cards with it but because I realized it so quickly I was able to get it stopped by the real company and my bank.
I genuinely think I’m pretty good at recognizing scams and have a high “tech IQ” but they got me here.
I always tell people this story so they know it really can happen to anyone, no matter how good you might be. I don’t want anyone to be embarrassed about getting help when it happens to them.
Uhhhh if someone is asking for a randomly generated authentication code you might want to double check who you’re talking to and make sure you’re not being scammed.
Edit: seems it might be normal? https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/customer-service/customer-service-asked-for-my-2fa-code-to-verify-my-account-over-the-phone-despite-the-text-saying-not-to-share-with-xfinity-reps-normal/6410d59641879c3c4d1c6128
Holy shit that’s bad practice. Great way to get less tech savvy people used to customer service reps asking for verification codes and trusting them without hesitation.
It’s one of those things that are pretty annoying. Especially because you often need to login before starting the chat. The login should have authenticated me already.
Also in case anyone wonders they didn’t reply after 20 minutes so I gave up.
This is the most infuriating display of sheer incompetence. You’re logged into your fucking account, likely secured with 2FA, and the chat session you start is not authenticated in any way! You have to provide basic account info… The kind of info you are authorized to change because you are logged into your account… Corporations are a wet fetid sack of dog shit.
Happened to me. I’ve had both. Companies that say they’ll never do ask for that and companies that use a texted code to verify you over the phone or even in a helper chat. (I think Apple might even do it but I haven’t used their help in awhile)
So when I got a call from a number that was spoofing a payment app’s info, i didn’t think much of it when they asked for a code. But as soon as I said it, I knew I fucked up since I didn’t initiate the call. They tried to buy $500 gift cards with it but because I realized it so quickly I was able to get it stopped by the real company and my bank.
I genuinely think I’m pretty good at recognizing scams and have a high “tech IQ” but they got me here.
I always tell people this story so they know it really can happen to anyone, no matter how good you might be. I don’t want anyone to be embarrassed about getting help when it happens to them.
That’s insane.