They’ll just do it again next week but with carveouts for industrial subsidies.
What scares me is that trillions in instant cuts has been sort of normalized. I fully expect before the 2026 elections broad bipartisan support result in awful cuts to programs like Medicaid . And Schumer and the rest of the dem machine fuckers will lie that the cuts are not cuts and they’ll will use language like “These are positive efforts to streamline and improve government”.
And the GOP SCOTUS justice turds can breathe a sigh of relief that - at least for now - they don’t have to give an up/down vote whether congress has a right to exist or not. They can go back to wrecking America slowly and deciding if they want to kill birthright citizenship or not.
It was such a cowardly way to do it, too. Everything and nothing was implicated. They should at least have to spell out what they’re defunding.
But they can’t override Congress’s budget anyway.
But they can’t override Congress’s budget anyway.
No. Democrats can’t do that. Republicans can do whatever the fuck they want.
Well, Biden had only a tiny 5% margin in the popular vote , he had to listen to the parliamentarian and couldn’t change anything. Trump, on the other hand, got a massive 1% margin in the popular vote. It’s a Reagan style mandate, they can’t fight that.
Glad to see Trump lose and keep my job
Sad to see the empire not crumbling at absolute warp speed on every single possible front
Hilarious that this got repealed before the Democrats even managed to have their next-day “emergency meeting” about it.
was so funny last night i saw an r/politics thread about democrats calling an “emergency meeting” over this, and its just like, “thank god! they’re calling an emergency meeting! surely they’ll figure out how to do nothing about this!”
I’m glad to see people are at least calling out dems for doing nothing
Bangs gavel - opens meeting “We’ve tried nothing and we’re out of ideas. And don’t forget the emergency meeting we have tomorrow.” Bangs gavel - closes meeting.
next-day “emergency meeting”
Man, is that the democratic mindset at work.
next-day emergency too
AI prompt: How many next day emergency meetings will the democrats have?
Next day emergency meeting times next day emergency meeting times next day emergency meeting times next day emergency meeting times next day emergency meeting times next day emergency meeting...
[output error]
increasingly, the difference between democratic and republican is “striking the iron ice cold to follow due process” vs. “fuck it, we’ll do it live”
Yep, and having this kind of momentum is (obviously) extremely politically valuable. Trump’s done an amazing job so far keeping his opponents off-balance and on the defensive by just being in constant motion. There are some lessons we can take away from this for sure.
The takeaway here is you can just do things. I feel like in every given state about 90% of the things that govern mandates and responsibilities boil down “you can’t do this” but don’t bother to put forth any consequence for it. It’s just assumed everybody sticks to the rules
Yep, exactly. And that even if something does get struck down eventually, a lot of your goals get realized in the short-term if you just go ahead and try to implement what you want. You’ll end up gaining ground, even if eventually you get pushed back a little bit. The value of continuing to drive forward and forcing your opponents to triage as to what to respond to can’t be overstated.
the ratchet does actually work both ways, it’s just that the liberals are unable to turn the dial
I think liberals failing to understand this is actually at the root of the common refrain of “well of course things don’t get any better–you only elect Democrats for one term! We need to control all three branches of government for 15 years to really make any progress!”
This week has torn that argument to shreds. You need that long if you’re committed to giving everything a committee hearing, 8-12 months of open comments, a different smaller committee hearing, an open vote, a consultation session with your political opponents, and then seven successive rounds of rewrites. Turns out you don’t have to do any of that. You can just do your agenda in a matter of days. I’m hoping that seeing this in action is going to shock awake at least a few people who honestly thought that the Democrats wanted to do good things but were just handcuffed by procedure. I think we’re seeing rumblings of that already.
This week has torn that argument to shreds. You need that long if you’re committed to giving everything a committee hearing, 8-12 months of open comments, a different smaller committee hearing, an open vote, a consultation session with your political opponents, and then seven successive rounds of rewrites. Turns out you don’t have to do any of that. You can just do your agenda in a matter of days.
It hasn’t, I don’t think. They’ll return to due process, because that’s basically the religious beliefe they operate on.
I mean let’s be honest, why does President Trump have like a nationwide blackshirt agency ready to go fucking day one? We’re like 5 days in and the blackshirts are out in full force, why was this a thing that the biden presidency kept around? What were they doing under Biden?
Related -
Maybe they can still have a next-day “emergency meeting” about it tomorrow. Or next week. Or…
its the first term all over again. every 24 hours there will be half a dozen chaotic developments and 2 contradictory official statements from the White House. the WH press corps will get winnowed back down to whoever doesn’t embarrass trump or the press secretary by pointing out how disorganized everything is, and that’s when the “leaks” start coming as various court jesters feel slighted by the internally chaotic intrigue, telling stories with bizarre details of interpersonal conflicts between careerist grifters vying for personal enrichment from President Deals.
President Deals
I wish the media used that term.
the west has fallen, the deep state can’t stop winning
Donors gave him a stern talking
And I’m sure he got 100s (if not 1,000s) of panicked calls from GOP congresspeople to beg President Babybrain not to potentially cause the greatest mid terms catastrophe of all time.
That too. Apparently the farm subsidies were also in there.
I can imagine aides running around trying to stop President Insane.
“Mr. President, sir - congresspeople are have concerns that the drastic cuts to Social Security and other programs Americans love plus the cuts to farm subsidies could cause… um… significant problems in the midterm.”
“So?” and he didn’t even turn his head. He’s watching Fox and he’s been waiting 60 fucking seconds and they still haven’t mentioned him so he’s even more irritable than usual.
The aide quietly turns around and leaves the room. They have a huddle and decide to wait until after he eats lunch. Maybe his mood will be better after he gobbles down three quarter pounders and half a gallon of Diet Coke.
Jokes aside, thank god because my mental health meds I get via medicaid keep me sane in insane america.
In my mind’s eye I keep thinking of Trump’s head (and maybe his voice sorta?) morphed onto Dennis Hopper’s character in Speed. The dialog has been edited a bit to be topical for today.
TV reporter says “America is held hostage at the whim of a mad man.”
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
trump walked out on thin ice with the business class but the business class freaks that were already standing out there on the thin ice of current market context went “woah woah hold it there big guy there is ALREADY not enough room out here on the thin ice, you got no business walking on ice this thin”
I fucking hate capitalism. First the capitalists force us to live in the Trump Apartment. Elon is whispering in Trump’s ear to burn it all down as Trump says yet again that he’s gonna to burn it all down. The capitalists seem suprised. But he’s a dangerous, delusional, unhinged, stupid lunatic with insane amounts of power. Due to the six GOP justices ruling - criminal law doesn’t apply to him. Plus he said he was gonna burn it all down on the campaign trail.
Then the capitalists’ greatest worry is that after the building burns to the ground - will they get top dollar for their destruction by arson insurance contact? In the real world that insurance will be their demands for subsides and bailouts once Trump and Elon destroy the economy which is where we live.
Here’s a Bluesky thread that indicates this situation is still insanely convoluted. It has a very unfortunate first sentence. It should read something like “WH Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt just made things more confusing…” and I edited out the sarcasm/humor in the first post. It’s overkill.
WH Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt just clarified on X that the rescission of the OMB memo was simply to get the federal court case to go away, not lifting the funding freeze on anything that goes against Trump’s EOs
I don’t think anybody understands what’s going on. It seems to me she’s saying that the new memo is magic. It’s just a couple sentences but it’s a poweful incantation. Abrahacabra! Everything put forth by the original toxic memo can go ahead as planned. And the federal court case goes away. But not only is she not a wizard - she has no political power at all. She’s just somebody at a podium who says shit.
A reply
the memo is rescinded, but not the deeds
What the fuck
I can’t even imagine what next Monday will bring about the freeze. More memos? Or maybe a new superseding but not superseding EO that might kinda sorta is modifying or nullifying the first EO?
At least the democrats response is easily predictable. They’ll put forth tons of hot air yet do nothing at all.
What the fuck?
Wait someone already said this
What the fuck?
Wait someone already said this
Look there’s only one valid reaction to this, because what?
The psychological damage is already done.
In just 10 days, Trump has already made a lot of people wish that Biden had never left.
All the Democrats have to do is to sit back and wait for people begging to be able to vote for them again.
Generic Garbage Dem & Less Telegenic Generic Garbage Dem 2028 ∙ Everything will fundamentally change back to what it was.
Felix’s conservative history series really nailed the point home; neither the Dems nor the conservatives know how to win an election anymore, they can only win when their opponent fucks up more than them.
Seems like the classic corpo tactic of bluffing with an extremely shitty thing so people see it as reasonable when you back off to the shitty things you actually intended from start.
I don’t think it’s that at all. I think it’s a combination of massive stupidity, massive incompetence, everybody around Trump is a yes man, and most of them are insane, unhinged reactionary zealot ideologues.
The libertarian dream has died 😔
This whole week and what we know is coming down the pipes with the tariffs has made me wonder if they’re trying to speed run a mob erecting a guillotine on the Whitehouse lawn. Everything is about to get insanely expensive, they’re kicking in doors and abducting kids from schools, cutting funds to stuff like meals on wheels and a shit ton of programs that supply mental health meds, stripping rights… They’re pissing off a lot more people a lot faster than his first term imo.
Like, do they think they’ll be able to hold onto power when the rug gets pulled even from middle income sycophants? If a chud with a small arsenal suddenly can’t get his jalapeno poppers because nobody picks the food… And he can’t even afford the food anymore because his jetski sealership is going out of business…
Ruling elites get away with things like this in countries where the population has largely never known the level of comfort and privilege that we experience in the core of the empire.
The architects of Project 2025 want to turn the US into a nightmare reality and some of them want to do so at warp speed. But even for them - Trump’s actions are out of control. If you want to commit horrible acts - a simple way is to proceed slowly. You boil the frog. People get fucked before they realize it. Destroying stuff like healthcare programs as fast as possible makes no sense to me. And not only do people know they’re getting fucked - they can go insane with rage and hate at the people who fucked them.
Trump is like just like Dubya. He doesn’t want to plan or think but he sure as fuck wants to be the decider. I don’t think there’s any grand plan by Trump. I think Elon finagled his way into a room with Trump at just the right time. And Elon whispered in his ear something simple like “Freeze OMB money immediately and we - I mean you can avoid congress and control trillions.” Or maybe some Project 2025 absolute nutjob did the whispering. In any case - on total impulse with no thinking whatsoever Trump did what the last person in the room told him he could do to be strong and powerful.