Thinking of writing a fan fiction that’s been on my mind for a while. I know some people dive right in and write in a very linear fashion, but I generally feel that I’m better at the overarching stuff and worse at maintaining character voice.

Idek if I’d post it anywhere, this is mostly to get a pile of ideas out of my head.

(I guess when I say “start writing”, I mean putting down sentences that would plausibly wind up as part of the prose, but it’s all writing really)

  • Poogona [he/him]
    1 month ago

    If the goal is to get it out of my system like you describe, I don’t do anything I’d describe as prep, rather I set it up like a special occasion. “Writing time” then becomes mixed up with some kind of lil treat, to separate my satisfaction with the writing done from the time spent. This way, even if the writing itself fell flat and I’m disappointed, maybe I still had a a nice time.

    Since writing is often a matter of habit once the initial enthusiasm wears off (for longer stuff at least, not like poetry), my best success came from writing being the gravitic center of my day. It needed to be easy to start, and hard to quit early.