The profa government is going after antifa?
real Patriot Act hours. Culture being forcibly sent back to 2003 or so. Dems won’t complain about this cuz they hate the left too
Remember when Biden was all “We should shoot anarchists in the knees,” when anarchists were the ones in the streets fighting Proud Boys who wanted to kill Joe Biden?
Since antifa isn’t really an organization can’t you just do the same shit under a different name at every protest? Like how does this work exactly? Unless they’re planning to start putting organizers at gitmo for things they’ve helped organize in the past, which would be fucked up.
the fact that it’s not an organization works even better for them, now anybody they want to arrest is a member of ‘the local chapter of antifa’ and subject to the extremely squishy definition of ‘domestic terrorism’
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that-
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended-
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
© occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States
Yeah after I posted that I figured it’s going to work more like “being openly against fascism is illegal”
It may not even be that
It’ll just be “Oh you’re in favor of X? Well, X is part of the ‘antifa’ creed”, where ‘X’ can be any nebulous thing they want it to be
It will just be a pretext to allow arresting of any ‘undesirables’
Yeah, and that definitely includes communism or even any other Left ideology.
They want to classify believing in communism as being part of a terrorist organization. Tough times ahead.
And they often have classified the democrats as communists. This is the first step to outlawing anything that isn’t in support of fascism. Which is at least 3/4ths of the country. Seems short sighted to me.
involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
Well that just makes this redundant AF and pretty useless. From the party that criess about BIG GOVERNMENT and over regulation to boot. If there are laws already on the books, then what’s the point?
… to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion
Ahh there it is. Meanwhile Jan 6 and armed uninformed fascists roaming around with guns at queer events and state capitals checks out. No policy by intimidation or coercion there.
This is how the term “libertarian” came into being. Anarchists in Europe were being jailed for being anarchists, so they just started calling themselves libertarians instead.
Anti-fascists will probably start calling themselves band or meme-tier names. Stuff like “American Beanis Brigade” or “Axis of Evil.”
Judean People’s Front vs People’s Front of Judea hours
It’s done exactly so they can call anyone protesting against Fascism a terrorist.
I’ve seen Zionists do the same thing by claiming that pro-Palestine protestors are taking marching orders from an “BDS Movement”.
Finally I was worried I’d used my constitutional rights with no punishment /s
Personally, I will wear the “the fascist empire sees me as an enemy” badge with pride.
Wake up babe, new “way to criminalize people of color” just dropped
Whereas the extremist organization Antifa is motivated by communism, anarchism, socialism, and violence, and has continuously demonstrated their commitment to lawlessness and criminal behavior;
Resolved, That—
(1) this conduct of Antifa members, or any unlawful conduct performed at an Antifa-affiliated demonstration, is deemed to be domestic terrorism (as such term is defined in section 2331 of title 18, United States Code);
I am not a lawyer but this resolution reads like it makes communism, anarchism and socialism into domestic terrorism and then goes on to say they must then all be prosecuted under anti terror law.
Always has been (prosecuted)
I hate to sound like a lib, but didn’t she give a tour to some of the January 6th rioters?
i haven’t even heard about antifa more than like 5 times in the last 4 years
they really know how to manipulate their moronic base dont they lol
“dont pay attention to the cost of things. remember antifa?! maybe they’re the reason eggs are expensive! they’re all vegans! maybe they bombed the chicken processing plant?! it could happen!”
For the second time looks like, so we’ll see if it actually passes.
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