Admittedly anecdotal but I recall when my brother went on a school trip to Japan, him and his school mates were expected to do an embarrassing dance number akin to the Haruhi Suzumiya dance for the students of a Japanese school; I also recall folks who went to teach English in Japanese schools who were merely hired as aides to repeat what the teacher was saying but in a goofy manner. I was like “What a racist cult- oh wait we do that too”.

I remembered Ken Jeong and hearing him speak in an interview and was shocked he didn’t have that accent he puts on in his movies. I then remembered some Asian Americans who said you have to sell out deeply to be accepted in America, and if you say one thing that can be interpreted as pro-China (even calling out Japanese war crimes against China), you lose everything. We like our non-white Americans to be stereotypes and we get scared when we can’t otherize them; we’re also quick to distrust them.

  • Pili [any, any]
    1 month ago

    They haven’t. They are still denying their warcrimes commited during world war II, and they have a shrine in Tokyo in honor, amongst others, of the people responsible of the Nanjing massacre.