This has been waiting months, and I installed it today to avoid a more difficult and important project. 😉
Stop calling me out.
This is the way
Why tip-down instead of handle-down?
Don’t ask about the toilet paper roll…
For the same reason you carry anything tip down.
Can’t tell if it’s the case in this photo, but mine hangs over my work area so handle down was definitely the safer option…
…also more natural to grab
Can’t tell if this is about knives or penises
My partner flipped them the other way around, with the handles on the bottom. I basically accept that she’s smarter than me and defer to her in such matters. 😆
Aestheticslly they’d look nice alternating up and down as compromise.
I hung a row of those to display my wife’s vintage lunchbox collection.
I know how magnets work and Ive never seen a knife fall off one of these but they still give me low grade anxiety.
Them Final Destination films ruined me.