I love that he’s out there risking his life for beer
charitable of you to call Pabst beer
What do you mean, it won a ribbon like 100 years ago
That’s not quite accurate.
There used to be a large textile industry in Mikwaukee. In textiles manufacture, there’s always some level of waste between defective products, remnant cut-offs, etc. There were still used for some of these remnants. Some could be recycled into pulp and dyed a darker color. Some was used for stuffing, some as fire fuel, etc.
But ribbons were hard to deal with. The material didn’t recycle well into other fabric, take well to dying, soften enough to use as filler, or burn clean enough to be used as fill.
Then a factory manager named HR Pabst came up with an idea. He’d render it to a pulp, dry it, and use that as a filter to remove the odor from aged horse urine, and that’s how we got PBR.
That’s America in a can.
current situation makes a whole lot more sense if true
Pabst is a metaphor for the USA: started off as a small brewery founded by immigrants, eventually grew to be a large, successful company, then was slowly run into the ground by a bunch of businessmen who knew nothing about making good beer. Eventually sold to a private equity firm who will milk the last few dollars out the brand name.
For a while there it was cool among hipsters. But I guess they’re not around anymore either.
They drink IPAs now.
But everyone drinks IPAs now 🤷
And he could have just worn a mask instead. Less effort, it actually works, it’s easier to put on and remove. But there would be tons of excuses instead.
Not if this was during the stretch where masks were super hard to get and everyone had to figure something out for themselves…
Yeah that’s also fair. I didn’t experience that part since I was stuck in my home at the time so I forget the struggles that others experienced at the time.
I would rather use a reusable cloth mask than this but I wish I had enough charisma to pull this off
I remember it as the year of watching people go competely nuts. Before that, I had some faith in random strangers but that year was a huge wakeup call.
If we ever get a zombie apocalypse, I may be routing for the zombies.
It’s what made me realized that absolutely nothing can be done about climate change. The world absolutely can’t work together.
Where would you be routing them?
Hopefully towards the crazy people
The air holes in the top are an interesting touch
If there’s a cloth covering inside, I’m sure they’re just as effective as a mask.
Possibly - the airflow dynamics would be interesting to look into. The material would make a big difference; one of the reasons masks are so effective is that they’re positively charged, making negatively charged viruses cling to them, something I find unlikely for Mr. Helmet over here. But for droplet transmission, like with covid, as long as it’s not too breathable I bet it would still be pretty effective in the short term.
Your comment comes across as not believing masks are effective, do you believe that?
No, I believe masks are effective. I was just observing that a material on the inside of those “air hole” (which we wouldn’t be able to see from this picture) would be just as effective as a mask - a mask made of the same material. Didn’t know they were positively charged. But he could have filters on the air holes made of the same mask material for all we know. Or for all we know those aren’t even air holes. I assume those are some kind of (attempt at) filters protruding from the sides. If it’s not a joke and not purely cosmetic, then I assume even this guy knows his air holes would ruin any protection from the filters. Also obviously we’d need to see how this protects / insulates around the neck and shoulders. So until I see the full specs on the bucket helmet, I’m willing to withhold judgement.
Also those two filters are open at the top, should have closed them to actually filter anything
Any chance you could help me next time I change my oil
so much dead air space, he’s literally just breathing his own breath. not fresh air.
I think the… Horns? Are air filters.
that’s a 12L bucket. average lung capacity is 6 liters. every breath he breathes out, the air gets stored in the bucket. then he breathes it in again. he’s not breathing any fresh air, just his own breath.
this is also why you die from cheap diving masks
How common were things like this?
I never saw anything like this, but I avoided going out as much as possible. I almost made something with filters and fans, but realized there are simpler solutions.