Brew it like tea. Sip the water. Know the knowledge.
Much like how the ass is the father of the legs, the bay leaf is the cousin-who-has-weed of the recipe.
TIL I’m the bay leaf of the family. I’m making infused butter right now!
It adds flavor!
The bay leaf itself tastes like ass, but when simmered long enough, it adds a wonderfully complex flavor
Slapping a bay leaf in the morning and sniffing the shit out of that motherfucker is better than a cup of coffee.
From when this was posted in the Severance sub I now know it imparts an earthy flavour, and that you can try adding a bay leaf to just plain boiling water and tasting it(after it’s cooled down a bit) to see for yourself
This is what I thought until I starting buying the fresher stuff you can get in bulk. It shouldn’t be waxy and should be a paler green/yellow than the stuff you’d buy in a McCormick bottle. It has a pretty strong floral smell when it’s fresh and adds a lot of flavor.
them subtle earthy tannins tho
get some fresh bay leaves, not the ancient stuff that’s been in the cupboard since Reagan
Sprinkling some finely chopped cilantro on my food like Im a cop planting evidence.
i just think they look pretty floating on top of the stew
Tf am I cooking under a tree???
nothing stopping you from putting half your ingredients in one pot and the other half in another
Best thing you can put on beans when stewing them
salt erasure
Magical herbs and spices.