Are you a #filmmaker using #kdenlive? Let us know about your project!

Regardless of whether you are working on making shorts with your mates, features or corporate ads, online or TV shows or music videos, we want to see and promote them all!

We are building a showreel made up of clips from projects edited with Kdenlive. We aim to encourage more artists to move beyond expensive, closed systems to a free way of making movies.

Help us help the next generation of filmmakers! #videoediting @kde

    2 months ago

    @kdenlive @kde I edit all my recent videos on YouTube using #kdenlive and it’s great, it does what I need it to all of the time. I don’t have the most over the top edits or anything but it fits perfectly on my use case of making short gaming compilations. I’m working on a bigger video of a product review and that’s gonna be the real test for me if I will continue using kden or not, all the b-roll, narration and superimposed pictures are gonna be challenging to do. Love the work you guys do