My old washer just let the smoke out of the control board in the middle of a load of laundry the other day but luckily I had my moms old washing machine (still newer than mine was) laying around to hook up instead. Except now I realized that my mom aparently loves fabric softner and every compartment on the thing needed a waxy fabric softner buildup scrubbed out of it.
I can’t exactly complain about a free appliance but damn do I hate fabric softner. It makes my fabrics water repelant and it gums up washers. Awful stuff.
I hate fabric softener. And people who use fabric softener on towels are psychopaths.
My wife refused to listen to me on this. So I took over the laundry. She now agrees with me on this. But now I am doing most of the laundry.
I recently read an article (in Dutch) which sums up why you should not use fabric softener. It is quite politicized, so I will not directly link to it here. The TL:DR is a bit like below:
- It does not work
- It is bad for the environment
- It is bad for humans
- It is bad for the washing machine
As fellow Dutchie I would like to read the article, is you don’t feel like posting it, could you dm me?
In case the DM did not come through (the mbin UI is still a bit rough): check the Duimspijker blog. It should be on the front page.