So, every other month it seems I go and try to find a different app for Lemmy that generally performs better in terms of some issues I have with Connect. As usual today I have done this and realised I really like this app and others just fall flat for various different reasons as always happens.

So I guess this is a request to please update connect just to fix a few bugs and stop some frustrations in my day to day use. Anyone else that has reoccurring issues maybe please just add to this thread in the hopes of just ironning out a few issues that ruin the experience of what otherwise is a fucking great app!

My first major issue is the handling of images. This issue was introduced in the last update I believe. Image loading can be painfully slow sometimes which it never was prior but is something I can live with, what is more frustrating is when an image is present but blurry as a lot appear whilst “loading” but then upon completion it displays the following error page instead of the image -

If I download the image from this screen it will save the correct image so there is an issue somewhere with the image itself being displayed within app. I haven’t seen this error with gifs however they will sometimes just never load showing a black screen with no error, I believe this is only with jpeg?

The other most frustrating thing to deal with is the app refreshing itself when you switch to another app on your phone. This does not happen all the time but does it often enough to be very frustrating. Even when I am in the middle of a reply to a comment or post, I switch to a browser or whatever to copy a link and switch back and the app will refresh itself to “frontpage: hot” feed. This is especially frustrating when trying to reply to ransom threads on /all as I then may never find what I wanted to reply to again or it takes an inordinate amount of time scrolling.

In a similar vein if you do post a reply to something, after that reply has been sent it will again default back to “frontpage: hot” so by responding to any threads you totally lose your place on a feed, as someone who browses all a lot this is incredibly frustrating! Again, it never did this in the past that I remember.

Moderator tools would also be amazing but I dont really care to much about this when compared to these issues above.

Eternity is the closest I’ve found to the experience I get here but the deal breaker there for me is it won’t download anything unless it has notification permissions and nothing gets notification permissions!

    2 months ago

    For me, while I can see the thumbnail of a post, when I try to view anything hosted on, I will always get an error similar to the picture in your post. I’ll try to edit in a pic of the error later, along with my phone and software specs. Just wanted to add my support to your post! As a RiF (rip) and reddit refugee, I really appreciate the similar UI of Connect, and I haven’t found anything else I like better.

    Edit 1: found this post, I guess it’s not just a Connect thing:

    Edit 2: I found this post with a link, tried to open it and got this error: