Curious what bikes other people have? Personally I have a Honda CB400N from 1983. Been riding it around for 4 years or so ever since I got my license. It’s a wonderful bike, but a bit cramped for all the touring I do with it (I’m quite tall). Picture
A Honda CB500X, 2018. First bike and I love that little thing, but I am looking forward to upgrading to something a bit bigger and more off road capable in a few years.
2022 Triumph Tiger sport 660 and a 2014 KTM super duke 1290
2004 Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa, blue and silver. Bought it new, it was my first bike, and 19 years later it’s still as fast and reliable as it ever was. My wife and I love to go for rides together on it. Nothing else gives us quite the same sense of freedom.
Your first bike was a busa and you survived?
Yes, took the rider course and the experienced rider course, and respected the machine. Having more power can actually make for a smoother and safer ride. No need for 9k RPMs to get moving. It’s responsive in any gear, at any speed. It’s a lot less twitchy, more predictable than smaller bikes.
I have a 2013 Sym Wolf Classic. It’s not pretty, and it’s not fast, but I love it so much for zipping around the city
2022 Triumph Bobber
It’s my first bike and I love it
I think the first bike will always have a special place in you heart. It’s a cruiser bike right?
Correct. Low HP, high torque, relaxed seating position. It’s a bit heavy, but the center of gravity is low enough that it’s manageable. I’ve nearly dropped it twice, but I’ve managed to keep it off the ground.
2021 Z650 💚
Himalayan. Goes everywhere I want it to, comfortably. It’s a fun bike.
Honda CT110. The King of bikes. Bow before the mighty postie bike!
I saw a video once of a guy riding Sydney-London on one of those. Pretty impressive trip.