I’ve got an x86 tablet, and I don’t want to run Windows or Android, so I have always been left with the option of Linux with GNOME. GNOME is a solid DE, but despite the design language, it is nowhere near ready for touchscreens. Depending on the distro, it was either severely outdated or just generally buggy, particularly with the onscreen keyboard. This lead my to completely abandon my tablet for a while, but today I had an arbitrary though that I should try out KDE Plasma Mobile. Low and behold, it was exactly what I needed for my tablet.
I expected it to be a bit buggy, because I had tried out KDE Bigscreen and this seemed like the mobile equivalent of bigscreen, a fork that is half-baked and still has lots of work to do before it’s worth daily driving. Imagine my shock when I booted the Fedora liveUSB and everything felt incredibly fluent and polished. I knew about 15 seconds in that I was switching. The navigation feels like an Android tablet, which I see as a positive, and the keyboard is just so much larger and more responsive. The GNOME default OSK is hardly usable because it’s letters are so small, so this was a relief being able to type with no need for checking that I’m writing correctly every few characters. The next thing I noted is how polished it feels even for large screens(I have a 12 inch tablet). The gestures work on the whole screen, and this makes it feel effortless to navigate around. The final thing I want to touch on before I stop glazing is the really good performance. I have a very old tablet, about 10 years old, and the performance felt like it was brand new.
Thanks for reading my glazing exhortation, and if you have a tablet, I couldn’t recommend Plasma Mobile more.
P.S. does anyone know where KDE connect is?
Does anyone know where KDE Connect is?
sudo dnf in -y kdeconnect
Probably should have tried to install it lol. Thanks
‘Lo and behold’
(Terribly sorry, I can’t help myself.)
It’s cool you got to try out plasma mobile! I haven’t had the chance to try it myself, but I have been using phosh which works well too.
What tablet if you don’t mind me asking?
Getac F110-G2, old police tablet I got off ebay.
I’d also like to know what model tablet OP is using, or what anyone else has been having success with.
Fedora plasma mobile runs very well on pixel slate
Keep in mind you need a debugging cable to achieve UEFI boot on pixel slate. If you don’t have an old one around, I think you should have other better options.
I have an old convertible that I want to - erm - convert to Linux once Windows 10 goes EOL. Can I use any distro with KDE to use the mobile version or which ones support it? I use Mint right now and I’d like to stay as close to that as possible.
No Plasma Mobile is not just a mobile mode for Plasma, but it’s own thing(even if it shares a lot of tech with Plasma). You therefore need to choose a distro that explicitly supports it.
Here is a list: https://plasma-mobile.org/get/
The closest you are going to get to Mint is Debian
I guess fedora would fit here wouldn’t it?
(Never used fedora yet 😂, I’m a rolling kind of guy)
I’m pretty sure Arch has a plasma mobile package if you’re curious
Edit : the aur has it
Yes, of course 😊 you can install mostly any WindowManager/DesktopManager on mostly any distro but top comment wanted something like mint, not a rolling distro
Yes. I use Mint. Please help me cross the road.
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